What are the advantages of having black/dark cabinets?

by Lynn

We are about to begin the Great Kitchen Remodel of 2020 and are still waffling about cabinet color. We had long planned to paint them white--and that is the likely choice--but lately, we have seen some stunning kitchens with black cabinets. If you chose black or a very dark cabinet color--are you still happy with it? And for those whose cabinets go all the way to the ceiling, what color for the crown moulding? We have white trim and moulding throughout the house--another reason the cabinets will most likely get painted the same white--but those elegant black cabinets are really calling to me! Thanks!!

  12 answers
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Dec 24, 2019

    I’ve had both, prefer dark stain over white 100%.

  • Annie Annie on Dec 24, 2019

    Dark would be easier to keep clean....or at least they wouldn't show any spills as bad as white. Black ones sure look nice

  • Gk Gk on Dec 24, 2019

    I started out painting my kitchen cabinets white and HATED it! I now have a medium gray which I really like. Still neutral but not as bright as white.

  • Mogie Mogie on Dec 24, 2019

    Why not compromise and go with a light color for the cabinets. A sage green or country blue would look nice but that is in my kitchen. Don't know what colors would work for your situation.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Dec 24, 2019

    While black may be trendy at this point in time, keep in mind that black upper cabinets will absorb light, and will make the room seem heavier, darker, and not as open and airy. Also, black isn't always easier to keep clean, especially if the finish is shiny, as it will show every finger print, speck of flour, lint, etc. (Ask any one who has ever had a black car.)

    White is far more of a neutral color, and will 'go' more readily with any other color you choose to add into the room. It is also easier and far less expensive to change the wall color, or switch to different hardware or accessories, rather than changing the cabinet color, if and when you tire of it.

    A compromise to all black or all white cabinets, is to have the lower units black, grey, or navy, with the uppers white. If proportioned correctly, this two tone look can be quite stunning.

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  • Peggy L Burnette Peggy L Burnette on Dec 24, 2019

    Hi Lynn, this is Peggy. It is your home and you should paint it the color you like. You can always repaint if you hate it. Good luck.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Dec 25, 2019

    If you do decide on white cabinets, an alternate to painting them is to purchase brand new white doors. This is called refacing in the decorating industry.

    Although many diy'ers have achieved nice results with painting cabinets, the results will not be the same as a brand new door, especially if you choose an updated style.

    Yes, initially the cost of purchasing new doors will be more than the cost of paint. Considering the time and space needed for proper preparation, curing, and finishing, though, some folks feel taking the risk that the results will be less than satisfactory, is not the best route for them to go.

  • William William on Dec 25, 2019

    I agree with Flipturn. Dark cabinets look great in a large kitchen. Medium and small kitchens would look dark and smaller. I like the two tone cabinets. dark on the bottom and light on top.

  • Jeremy Hoffpauir Jeremy Hoffpauir on Dec 26, 2019

    It hides dirt well.

  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Dec 26, 2019

    Depends on your space. Black uppers will close in your space. Black is also trendy. I don't like bright white - too stark - looks like a surgery.

  • Libbie B Libbie B on Dec 27, 2019

    I have dark cabinets at my home and white and a lake house and prefer the darker for upkeep.

  • I painted our cabinets black in a smaller kitchen with no direct sunlight and I love it. The black recedes, it acts as a neutral, and doesn’t feel heavy. I love black paint in general so I’m always going to advocate for it. As Flipturn offered, you could split it up. Do what you feel most comfortable with though, what you’ll be excited to see every day, it’s your home.