How can I determine the best placement for this picture?

Wonndering If the length and width of this picture will work on this wall? My plan is to add two chairs on the same wall. The height is 94 X 178L inches high the picture is 42 1/2W x 62L.

  11 answers
  • I know there are all sorts of formulas and supposedly ideal height rules about wall art, but I believe that if you love it and it looks good on the wall, in your arrangement, to you, that's all that matters. I think it'd make a dramatic focal area. I'd put the chairs in place and then have someone hold the picture in place to determine an ideal placement. If you don't have someone available, you can use Command Hooks to play around with placement. Hope that helps.

  • Louise Louise on Feb 01, 2020

    Far too many people hang pictures too high. Make sure the center of it is about eye height of the average person. But with a long, tall picture, you might fudge a little and hang the center just a bit higher.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Feb 01, 2020

    Hi Trish,

    Kim and Louise bring up good points. I remember having a couple of 6' tall guys installing a wall cabinet in a bathroom over the toilet. It had been taken down to completely paint the wall and restore the cabinet with it's beautiful wood. I ASSUMED they would put it back where it was previously, but since both of them were tall, they put it at their eye level. Oops. I'm only 5'2" and it was way too high for me! Just be careful to strike a good balance at eye level. BTW, I think your artwork is lovely and will look beautiful on that wall. Wishing you the best.

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Feb 01, 2020

    I agree with the prior comments - place your chairs and a side table first along with a lamp if needed. Then hang the picture. The "eye level rule" is approximately 60" up from the floor.

    "As a rule of thumb, it's best to hang your picture at least 60 inches from the ground in places where they will be viewed from a standing position, such as in a hallway. For smaller pictures, you can hang them a little higher, about 65 inches. This height is the most comfortable for people of all sizes."

  • I find that most rules applied to hanging pictures make for a staid display therefore I tend to go with my instincts. Large art is always a good plan and playing with proportions in a room makes for a much more interesting composition, so yes, it will work.

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Feb 01, 2020

    Yes, the official national eye level is 60” AFF.

    Where to put it on the wall depends on what other things are near the wall, like floor lamps, table lamps on end tables & windows/curtains.

    Step back and take a picture of the wall and look at it like a Composition.

    Here is an asymmetrical single-picture composition, where the left edge of the frame & the left sofa edge, align.

    comment photo
  • Deb K Deb K on Feb 01, 2020

    Hi Trish, hang it high enough so nobody hits their head against it, it all comes down to what you want, I think it will look fabulous hung just a bit higher than a person's head would be in the chairs you are placing!

  • Michelle Dodson Michelle Dodson on Feb 01, 2020

    What a pretty piece! On board with previous comments as well - place the chairs, a table & lamp (if using) and get that looking the way you like and THEN add in the artwork.

    The I bought a new chair and the wall just looked kind of naked, so I found this little piece. The placement may seem odd, but if you're sitting on the couch it makes perfect sense.

    comment photo
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Feb 01, 2020

    Hello Trish,

    Maybe put a seat either side of the picture. Best wishes

  • Another idea is to use removable command strips to hang the photo with first and then if you don't seem to like where you've placed it after a day or two, you can move it up or down or use something else if it doesn't work.