How do u fix rotted wood?

Joan Tardanico
by Joan Tardanico

Rotted wood

  7 answers
  • on Feb 21, 2020

    The first step is to figure out what’s causing the damage and fixing it! Do you know why it happened? Is water pooling there?

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Feb 21, 2020

    I would advise going with plastic on the replacement. We had to do that even though I kept it painted, after so much rain exposure to one door frame it just began to rot. You can cut out the piece about 6" up and replace but I would go ahead and replace the entire frame. Em posted a "how to" video link.

  • Annie Annie on Feb 21, 2020

    Hi Joan, the fact that this is the 2nd door to do the same thing, means you have a water issue you need to deal with. Maybe that area isn't "slanted" enough to allow for water run off?

  • Em Em on Feb 21, 2020

    Repair wood with polyester filler: Apply wood hardener and filler. To repair rotted door frame, first remove rotted wood with a 5-in-1 or other sharp tool. Then coat the rotted door frame area with wood hardener as shown. Mix polyester wood filler or Bondo wood filler and press it into the recess with a putty knife.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Feb 21, 2020

    Hello. This is a very common and unfortunate occurrence that we had repaired had to repair at several doorways at several properties.

    Depending upon the degree of rot it can either be chiseled out or use oscillating tool-and filled with the epoxy putty or if the larger area is damaged chisel out the larger area and fill with a piece of pressure-treated wood. After the repair is completed caulk and repaint.

    Here below in the photographs you can see we did this repairmolding around our French doors going to our elevated deck. We’ve also had to do it at the front door molding as well.

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  • Dee Dee on Feb 23, 2020

    Cut out the rotted parts and use Bondo to fill it in. Overfill then sand down and paint. Will last for many years.