How can I upycle 200 LIberty Falls houses?

Tara Robinett
by Tara Robinett

I have over 200 Liberty Falls houses that I’ve been trying to sell. It’s not working so I’m wondering if you guys have any ideas to repurpose them? They are too heavy to use as ornaments.

  44 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Feb 25, 2020


    I understand you wanting to sell these and folks just don't understand the value and beauty of collectibles. I collected Gone with the Wind plates and other items and now I am stuck with so much that just doesn't sell. Have you tried contacting the mfg. of the items to see if they are interested in buying them? or a consignment shop that could display them and sell them? Try to find a facebook page of collectors of these items to see if anyone is interested in buying one or all of them. Sometimes folks are missing one or two pieces. .

    • Tara Robinett Tara Robinett on Feb 25, 2020

      Yes. I have them listed on Etsy and on FB marketplace. I’ve sold maybe 50 pieces out of 288. I’ve even marked them down to $1 apiece.

  • Tom Stuart Tom Stuart on Feb 25, 2020

    I had only about 2 dozen of these and tried to sell them with the same lack of success. One second-hand store dealer suggested that I wait until before Christmas and try to sell them at a swap meet.

    I finally just donated them to a pre-school for a Christmas display and took a tax deduction.

    Good luck with your project.

  • Linda Linda on Feb 25, 2020

    I love these villages!

  • Cindy Cindy on Feb 25, 2020

    Have you tried selling them on line? E Bay, Etsey, Let Go, or Craigs List. I would sell them as a collection and they would be worth more if you have Original paper work and boxes. Good luck Tara.

    • Tara Robinett Tara Robinett on Feb 25, 2020

      Yes. I have the original boxes. Most of them have the paperwork in the boxes. I haven’t thought about craigslist. I’ll try that.

  • William William on Feb 26, 2020

    I just checked Ebay and they aren't going for much. Basically sold in lots and at about $1 a piece. Collectors would buy the ones they need to complete a set.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Feb 26, 2020

    Regarding Cheryl's comment about folks not understanding the beauty of such items: it can be said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Over time, the inherent and the perceived value of some items originally sold as collectibles can decrease. This is unfortunate if you find that you have lots on your hands and are wanting to sell them.

    I would say if you have marked the houses down to that low of a price and they still are not selling, that it would no longer be viable to continue. By the time you pay your sellers fees, plus consider your time put it, you will netting very little cash.

    If the boxes are taking up needed room in your home, then give them away, as Tom did, turn over a new page, and move on. Otherwise, hang on to them and try to sell them again in the future.

  • Em Em on Feb 26, 2020

    Try local posts in your area. Ebay has a lot that is why they may not be selling, but go from $4 to $24 each. Try sites like 5miles. That gets you local people that may not want the pay the shipping and handling that ebay costs, but gets you buyers in your area that can pick up the items from you, THUS the name. Try a local flea market, places that take on commission and sell for you. If all else fails donate them to a resale shop like St. Vincent DePaul or Vietnam Veterans and use for a tax write off. You can write off the value of them as a non-cash donation on next years taxes.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Feb 26, 2020

    Tara,,,They appear to be really nice if they are as each picture. I would take them to Goodwill or Coordinated Charities or a ministries of some type. I believe they would be loved by somebody, good luck.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Feb 26, 2020

    You can display as a village. You didn't mention where you were trying to sell but you might see if there is a collector's site.

  • Pamela Pamela on Feb 26, 2020

    They would work for fairy gardens ...

  • Dee Dee on Feb 26, 2020

    Try selling them on Craigs List or Facebook Market Place. I think waiting until September would be in your best interest as people are not looking for Christmas items right now.

  • Could you use them to create a Christmas village at the holidays?

    • Tara Robinett Tara Robinett on Feb 27, 2020

      There are over 200 pieces. Somebody could make three or four villages but I don’t have room.

  • Ebr29554894 Ebr29554894 on Feb 27, 2020

    You could build a ledge close to the ceiling to display them, use them as center pieces at group christmas or Holiday parties. Maybe you can loan them to a nursing home , church social group .

    You could give them for gifts .

  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Feb 27, 2020

    I would for sure try to sell some of them on ebay and use some of them into creating a Christmas village

  • Jocharbra Jocharbra on Feb 27, 2020

    Hi, How about using some of the houses in giant planters as fairy houses? With maybe a tiny figure or two, and flowers...Could be super cute and perhaps you could sell a few that way?

    • Thea Thea on Feb 27, 2020

      Or, don’t be sentimental about them. Turn them upside down (I take it they are hollow) and turn them

      into hanging planters is some way?

  • Lucky Home Today Lucky Home Today on Feb 27, 2020

    Check with your neighbors on Nextdoor to see if they want to purchase. Otherwise I would make a gnome village under a backyard tree.

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Feb 27, 2020

    Find out what the scale is and then sell them to people who have to-scale model railroads & even slot car tracks.

  • Thea Thea on Feb 27, 2020

    Would it be possible to cut out some of the windows with a porcelain cutter or drill of some sort and use them as a lit outdoor Christmas display?

    • Tara Robinett Tara Robinett on Feb 28, 2020

      I have thought about this but they are solid. I think. I will give this more thought.

  • Thea Thea on Feb 27, 2020

    I think they appeal to a very limited market as is because people consider them cute but kitsch.(Don’t shoot the messenger). Perhaps paint them solid, bold colours like white, black? Yellow or neon pink and see if they won’t sell that way, not as collectables but as novelty items to a younger market.

  • Dee Dee on Feb 28, 2020

    Have a garage sale and sell them at your sale.

  • Baxter Baxter on Feb 29, 2020

    You need to decide that these aren't worth the time & trouble you're going to in trying to sell them. If you've had them listed on eBay and they are not selling at $1.00 each, then it's time to donate them. You could repaint them in a glossy spray paint...but you'd still end up with 200 pieces that you have to display or use somewhere. If someone else might enjoy them, then give them away.

  • Matthew Osborne Matthew Osborne on Feb 05, 2021

    Hello, Do u have a link where I could see the items u have left, I’m interested in buying some, say on Facebook or Etsy?

    • See 2 previous
    • Paul Paul on Jul 07, 2021

      Cheryl, do you still have any of these?

  • Anne W Anne W on Dec 29, 2021

    If these are still available, I would be interested in them. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Don Don on Jul 04, 2022

    Do you still have them?

  • Jan22496238 Jan22496238 on Nov 12, 2022

    Hi Don,

    I'm trying to sell mine. I have a large collection Still want them? Jan

  • Mogie Mogie on Nov 12, 2022

    I would attempt to sell them as one lot on ebay. You can include pictures to help get people interest in these. Have you even attempted to do some reserach to find out the value of each?

  • Henry ford Henry ford on Dec 17, 2022


    I just registered because I felt compelled to reach out to you with an alternative idea that no one here has mentioned. Try selling these to hobby shops for n scale train layouts. The Liberty Falls collection works great because the pieces are self contained. You can set them up and take them down with out the need of modeling, extensive tools, glues, etc. They are basically a play-and-pack village! Most of the collection works great for this scale (1:160). The pumpkin patch, The children's tea party, some of the larger pieces like the Farris Wheel (etc), and a few of the animals like the cow sticking his head out the back of the Lumber Mill (etc), are a little too big.

    My Dad would always say, 'so what, there are different sized buildings in life, different sized people. Just as long as you are having fun.'

    Cheers and I wish I had found your collection before I started to build my village!

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  • Lau76293445 Lau76293445 on Jan 05, 2023

    Are still trying to sell these villages?

  • Kelly Kelly on Jan 16, 2023

    I have been taking care of a husband and wife who have been together for over 72 years. My client who is a Korean War Vet is looking for more Liberty Falls, he wants them in pristine condition. How many do you have left?

    • Belinda Belinda on Feb 24, 2023

      I have over 100 pieces, all in boxes, that I need to sell. All like new and not sure if some were ever taken out of the box.

  • Rich Rich on Mar 29, 2023

    Hi Belinda....Show me what you have, please.

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 03, 2023

    Donate them to a charity so they can sell them and make a profit. You can take the tax write off when you have your taxes done.

  • Norma B. Norma B. on Sep 02, 2023

    I just bought one from a reseller on Mercari. I'd also try Poshmark. They're very cute.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 03, 2023

    Why not stik them on to a board and make a village scene or offer them to mini railway enthusiasts to use for scenery. Use on a wooden base in a line so could be used for Mantle or Table decor?

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Sep 03, 2023

    They would be beautiful in a scene under a Christmas tree, especially a table model.

    You could stage them in scenes , take picture for others to see how creative you are..on a mantle, a window scene, as part of a diorama...

  • Janice Janice on Sep 03, 2023

    Think back to when these were purchased. Were they purchased because you enjoyed looking at them or because you planned to sell them and make a profit. If you no longer enjoy them and can't sell them, why not donate them and consider the cost as a lesson in "sunk cost". You'll feel lighter when you're no longer dealing with them.

  • Deb K Deb K on Sep 04, 2023

    Hi Tara, hope this helps you out.

    You can sell them to model train enthusiasts, to use in their layouts, or to other folks who enjoy doing 3D layouts/models!

  • Jimmy Bottger Jimmy Bottger on Jan 08, 2024

    are you still selling the houses I'd be interested in taking some off your hands

  • Carrington Carrington on Feb 15, 2024

    I see you have a problem selling these I'm actually trying to collect them for my niece's right now how many pieces do you have left

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Feb 16, 2024

    Make Christmas villages etc. by sticking them to a circular tray and making a feature in the centre or adding a candle, cake etc. (little Villages)!

  • Dee Dee on Feb 18, 2024

    I had the same problem with Department 56. No one wants these things any longer. I decided to use what I want and give away what I can.

  • Jim Skamel Jim Skamel on Mar 04, 2024

    I also have approx 49 pieces that I am wanting to sell. They are in boxes and excellent condition. There are item numbers spanning 1-300 in my collection. If interested please contact me and I would be able to provide a listing of all in the collection.

  • Malin Zimm Malin Zimm on Jul 31, 2024

    Make a giant Monopoly board and use them as property! : )

  • Tina Kasper Tina Kasper on Sep 05, 2024

    Please allow for me to purchase I'm trying to replace my dad's

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 05, 2024

    Send to Auction or maaybe set up a Village in the garden or on a Board.