Can you paint over tile in a shower?

Can you paint over decos in the 3/4 shower (2 decos are in the shower itself). The other 3 decos are one on each wall. I want to just paint them white like the other tiles. I see you painted the floor with stencil and it was beautiful but can you do the wall decos that are on shiny tiles?

  11 answers
  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on May 01, 2020

    Yes, you can paint shower tile, although you'll get the best results by painting tile in more low-moisture areas of your bathroom, like the backsplash over the sink and tile behind the toilet. The key to properly painting ceramic tile is preparation.

  • Mogie Mogie on May 01, 2020

    It’s not practical to paint tile on all bathroom surfaces but your paint job will last the longest on tiled bathroom surfaces that receive low to moderate exposure to moisture.

    Ceramic, porcelain, and unglazed quarry tile can take either latex or epoxy paint in one-part (pre-mixed) or two-part (ready-to-mix) varieties formulated for interior use. Latex paint ($10 to $30 per gallon) is generally less smelly and toxic. Unless you choose a pricier mildew-proof variety, though, it readily weathers with heavy moisture exposure and therefore should be saved for bathroom floors or walls. For the “splash zones” of backsplashes, countertops, tub surrounds, and shower surfaces, epoxy paint ($20 to $35 per gallon) does the trick. This type of paint cures into a harder, more durable coat that boasts more resistance to moisture, heat, and everyday wear-and-tear than its latex counterpart.

  • Deb K Deb K on May 01, 2020

    Hi Diane, hope these videos help you out

  • yes just make sure to use an oil based paint.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on May 02, 2020

    To make it last, I would use a product like the one I used in this project:

  • Yes you can get the kits to do this. But it is honestly not as easy as people think. If you miss prepping even the smallest area the paint will peel off over time.

  • You can but you need a tub and tile kit. Just be aware that it won’t last forever, it will wear and peel.

  • Keith Barrick Keith Barrick on May 03, 2020

    Yes you can, but as stated earlier, its all about the preparation. I used to refinish bathtubs and tile, so I have some knowledge on the subject.

    First clean with a soap scum remover, its best to remove the grout from the outside area of tile. We always used an acid etch to remove the glaze, clean further, and open the tiles "pores".(This is toxic to your lungs, and if you get it on your skin or in your eyes it will severely burn them. Use extreme caution, or hire a professional refinished. After painting the acid etch on the tilewait for it to sit for several minets, then rinse it off with hot water. Use an etch pad(scotchbrite pad) to scrub off the chalkpowder left from the acid deflating the surface. Scrub untile no further powder comes off, rinse with hot water again. Tape off the area around the tile so you don't get the tub/tile paint on the surrounding tiles. Paint it following the manufacturers directions. Let dry the required time. Regrout and there you go!

  • Here is a video on Hometalk for painting a shower: