How do I get cement on a mirror

by Alyxes

earlier I had asked this for my beach illusion project, now I’m asking for a moon project. I imagined the materials would be similar so I’d want to do them both. Here’s some photos to get a clearer understanding of the direction I’m headed. Thank you all!

  13 answers
  • William William on Jul 04, 2020

    No with the cement. Mod Podge and sand may work. Any glue mixed may also work but the sand may wear off. I would use some drywall patching compound to get the design. Then use Rustoluem Stone Creations spray paint to give the stone look.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 04, 2020

    Hello Alyxes, you could use dry wall mud (compound) for thus project, use a picture like the one attached as a guide to creating the texture using marbles, and sponge. Hope this helps you out.

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  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jul 04, 2020

    Plaster might work too.

  • Morgan McBride Morgan McBride on Jul 04, 2020

    cement could be very heavy and make the mirror not hang easily.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jul 04, 2020

    I don't think cement will work in a wall hanging like this, because the weight will probably pull it away from the mirror and make it impossible to ever hang it like the picture you posted. The good news is there are many other materials that are lighter and easy to work with. Several were mentioned, but, one I thought of is spray foam. Super light weight and you can shape it before it hardens. Once hardened you can carve it. It sticks to virtually anything, too. Good luck and stay safe!

  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 04, 2020

    Cement is going to be very heavy but they do make light weight cement.

    They also make something that looks like cement but is really foam which is of course much lighter but you can also cut it with a knife to the shape desired.

    Do a goggle search on styroform cement or something similar and see what you can find.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jul 04, 2020

    What about Fimo polymer clay?

    It's available in lots of colors.......

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  • Cindy Cindy on Jul 04, 2020

    I think your best bet is working with dry wall mud. It weighs a lot less than cement. This sounds like a fun DIY. Good luck Alyxes,

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 04, 2020

    Hello air dry clay that is texturized could be a suggestion. I made texturized starfish last week.

  • I've done similar with a window. I used sand and mod podge. Easy to shape/mold (mine was for a beach scene). Once dry, I went over the sand with a coat of mod podge, I've had no issues of sand falling off.

  • Craft Invaders Craft Invaders on Jul 05, 2020

    I suspect they've used a product that has been sprayed on looking at the finish

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 05, 2020

    Hell Alyxes,

    Looks as if the above effect has been made by using Ceramic Tile Grouting, maybe with a little baking soda added to it?

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 09, 2020

    Hello. I recently tried a white air dry clay that I purchased at the Walmart and it works very well for making this sort of impressions.

    I recent made a starfish quite easily and texturize the clay formed starfish to get a realistic texture. Several sized styluses or maybe a tiny ball could make your craters nicely.

    It was my first experience with air dry clay it was very useful I am using it for more and more products rather than the oven bake clay. Hope this helps.