How do I redo floating stair ?

by Casasharer
  4 answers
  • Annie Annie on Jul 27, 2020

    Here's a video on how to redo floating stairs, this might help

  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Jul 27, 2020

    What is your definition of redo? Refinish?


    In the event that you’re going to sell your home in the next few years,

    please be aware that fully Open Risers are no longer allowed, per the US’ IRC building code

    and any Home Inspector the buyers hire will cite it as a problem.

    With that said, partially open risers are permitted and one can screw or nail wood or acrylic to the backside of the tread.

  • Recreated Designs Recreated Designs on Jul 27, 2020

    Hi, could you remove the carpet and staples and paint the wood? A beautifully painted staircase always looks so nice. If you can provide a picture we can help with further suggestions.