How to use chalk paint?

by Fran

I have a set of twin beds that I want to paint but I’ve never had experience so I’m afraid of doing more harm than good.

any recommendations appreciated.

  11 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Mar 21, 2021

    Hello. Very exciting project. Please consider popping by this bloggers website for her wonderful accessories and furniture chalk painted rehabs. She details useful repair products, techniques and has a nice result. Many items are from the thrift store or furniture pieces donated to her are given a glorious new life.

    From the link below -You will see an overwhelming library of her chalk painted products as well as go to her YouTube channel to see the demonstrations of the chalk painting. I was viewing them yesterday.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Mar 21, 2021

    Here is a beginner's guide to chalk paint for you:

  • Here is a video tutorial on how to makeover a bed with chalk paint:

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Mar 22, 2021

    I'm not a huge fan of chalked paint for any area that will have much wear and tear or contact. Even sealed it scratches easily. I would go the traditional route on a bed set and clean with TSP, prime, and then paint. Use a good brush like Wooster or Purdy and take your time. If you can spray paint, that gives a smoother finish unless you are very adept with a brush.

  • Em Em on Mar 22, 2021

    Chalk paint is so easy. Little prep required unless furniture is glossy. Clean well with degreasing dish soap and rinse. 2 coats is usually sufficient. You can use clear wax to seal. Purchase at same place you get the chalk paint. You can use aging wax but be careful a LITTLE goes a long way. If you are afraid of wear as chalk paint is not as durable as say latex, cover with a matte finish poly if you don't want the color to change and be more durable. On final note. Super easy to paint with chalk paint and the dry time is really fast.

  • Simple Nature Decor Simple Nature Decor on Mar 23, 2021

    Just make sure the headboards are sanded slightly before you use the chalk paint.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Mar 25, 2021

    Hi! The poor results with any paint is usually because the surface wasn't prepared thoroughly. It's enticing to be able to just paint and not do anything else. But, my experience has been that you should clean the surface really well, first. A TSP substitute like Krudkutter is my preference, but almost any cleaner (even Windex) will lift surface dirt. I like to use scrub pads like SOS or Brillo pads for a deep clean. Rinse, and let dry thoroughly. Why? Painting over dust, grime, oily spots, etc. Isn't going to last or look that great. Once it is completely dry, sand to lift sealer that's already on it, and rough up the factory finish. Many will tell you not to bother, but old finishes and wood sap bleeds through if you don't use a good sealer like Kilz. Once it is dry, the fun starts! I paint with the direction of the wood grain. You can layer chalk paint to give you the colors you want. You can also mix colors to get the color you want. With chalk paint, it will look blotchy the first coat. Don't panic! It looks better as you proceed. I also lightly sand between coats (wait until it's dry). Because chalk paint won't last or hold up without being sealed. I like a clear drying water based sealer, but, wax also hardens it to give it a protective finish. Any gloss will be achieved with your sealer, so keep that in mind when you pick your sealer. Good luck and remember it's fun if you use good products and tools!

  • Lindsay Aratari Lindsay Aratari on Mar 30, 2021

    Follow these same steps for your beds! Super easy to do!