Putting two carpet stain removal tips to a comparison test

I'm addicted to cleaning tips...not so much the actual cleaning, but the tips make my heart skip a beat. The other night, I was having a case of the carpet stain blues and finally decided to do something about it. Today, I'm sharing the test results and revealing which stain remover is the cure for those carpet stain blues.
Spots all over the carpet.
The first method uses a wag wet with vinegar and water that you place over the stain and then iron over it.
The second method is a simple mix of Dawn and Hydrogen Peroxide that you rub into the stain.
They both work well, but I definitely preferred one over the other...come on over to Mrs. Hines Class to see the results and get the homemade recipes for each of these carpet stain removers.
Sharon E. Hines
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  • Kathy Truden Brassard Kathy Truden Brassard on Dec 28, 2017

    I want to know where I can get a wag that I wet with vinegar and water. Thanks!

  • Maggie Maggie on Oct 10, 2018

    My off white duvet cover has now weird greyish spots.... I've tried spraying it with shout and then soaking it in warm soapy water and then washing it with a little bit of chlorine bleach... several times and they're still there! any suggestions, please?!!! Thanks!

  • Margie Rivers Addison Margie Rivers Addison on Dec 27, 2018

    Does this work for pet stains also? To clean and absorb the odor?

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  • Mary Smith Mary Smith on Aug 28, 2021

    To remove stains on washable items I mix 3 parts hp with 1 part blue Dawn, then spray on. Let set for 30 minutes, wash in washer. For carpets mix a few drops blue Dawn to a few tablespoons of hp. Repeat if necessary. Be sure to rinse really well with water to remove all the Dawn. If not it will get dirty again really quickly.

  • Joan Joan on Jun 02, 2023
    You said "come on over to Mrs. Hines Class to see the results and get the homemade recipes for each of these carpet stain removers." When I hit the "Go" button I received the message that the page I am looking for no longer exists."
    • Brenda Brenda on Aug 23, 2023

      I was trying to find the info too. I did find her website, but trying to find this "recipe" was another story. I have a feeling she is no longer blogging and this is an old article. The most recent post I see on her website is dated 2012.

