Asked on Aug 17, 2015

Inspiration needed for front of house facelift

by Jean
When we removed 2 large evergreens from our front yard, we realized that our 70's built house lacks personality - we are thinking of taking out the sidewalk, extending the porch, rearranging the pillars & twinning them and extending the landscaping around the newly extended porch. We need to replace the roof soon, so we were thinking of charcoal grey, and new darker shutters. Our brick is a creamy taupe color - Any ideas for surface changes, colors or landscaping ideas?
  12 answers
  • Debbie Debbie on Aug 17, 2015
    I would paint the shutters and front door a brighter color. I would remove/transplant the bush nearest the front door. I would move the wreath to the left side of the door. I would plant more of the little "Christmas tree" evergreens all along the porch and keep them pruned to not grow higher than the bottom of the windows. I would add a seating area perhaps with rockers and small table (in coordinating color of shutters etc.) on the left where the wreath "used" to be. You could have plants in colorful pots and the porch that you could move as you like.
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    • Jean Jean on Aug 17, 2015
      Thanks for the input - unfortunately, the porch does not extend under the wreath area, but a seating area is a good idea if we extend the porch (goes about half way across) - it is very narrow now
  • Emily Emily on Aug 17, 2015
    I would do the house charcoal grey. The shutters black, but the window frames white. The posts black and the front door bright burgundy red. But, I would add white or black frame around the door. Creamy taupe brick would look great. What planting zone are you? Get some colorful plants... not just green. Red japanese maples, smokebush, etc. Depends on your tastes... Tropical? Country?
    • Jean Jean on Aug 17, 2015
      @Emily Thanks Emily - the japanese maple is a good idea. We are in southwestern ontario
  • Joe Smith Joe Smith on Aug 17, 2015
    When replacing the roof remember that dark colors absorb heat, light colors reflect heat. Most people don't think it matters but I'm a former roofer and I can tell you that dark colors get really hot up there!
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 17, 2015
    besides painting the exterior of the house you must decide on curb appeal. I feel a focal point is needed to draw the eye to the house.Once you decide on that other ideas should come to mind. Try for instance to add color.Besides flowers there are many conifers that will do that. Houzz website or better gardens has inspirational ideas.
    • Jean Jean on Aug 17, 2015
      @Janet Pizaro just to claify, the bottom of the house is a light creamy beige brick already, and the top is painted aluminum siding, painted a light creamy beige. The Houzz website is wonderful too
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 17, 2015
    No worries about that. The color of the house does not matter on your landscape.If you decide to paint or not.Depending on your hardiness zone there are many options. If you need further advice I know a lot about landscaping. I managed a garden department for twelve years as well worked with paint.Let me know willing to help with a challenge
    • Jean Jean on Aug 17, 2015
      @Janet Pizaro I saw this picture and thought it was a good idea for my house, changing the entrance to going on the porch in a different location, and extending the landscaping to wrap around the extended porch/patio - but maybe not the stone wall, just layered down to the grass with some landscaping rocks, a japanese maple, some evergreens, and some hydrangeas and perennials - with black mulch - what do you think?
      comment photo
  • Lelia Swain Lelia Swain on Aug 18, 2015
    I would make a larger porch with larger post and rails. Then add great flower beds. Tall plants on right end with a curve bed on this area. Add curve beds so the bed will also add better design than straight beds. Enjoy your new home!
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Aug 18, 2015
    Thats a great idea. I only other thing I would do is expand the gardens,Maples have a large root system so you need to plant them away from the house as much as possible. Keep me posted.
  • start by enlarging the front porch outward from the house. Then enlarge the columns I would go with a stacked faux stone and wood paneled column( think craftsman style) carry this through with all new larger darker shutters ( deep charcoal gray) I would paint the house a taupe collor just a deeper shade than you have now.( Lowe's Lyndhurst mushroom) looks great with gray and red accents. Paint the front door a red or blue to make it pop out. then put in low growing grasses(aztec) and spreading junipers( blue) You can then add seasonal color with perennial bedding plants. seating on the porch and colorful pillows and you are ready for guests.
    • See 1 previous
    • @Jean I just noticed that your house has the coins on the corners. The bricks that stick out. If you put the faux stone on those also it will completely change the look of the house.
  • Arlene Fitzpatrick Arlene Fitzpatrick on Aug 18, 2015
    Since the front of your home seems to be shaded, I would make sure to use color that 'POPS" on the shutters and another bright color on the door - beef up the pillars. You have a large porch so can jazz it up with patio furniture, flowers in colorful pots, pillows, etc. I would probably use lattice (or cool screen dividers) on one end to create a private space. Good luck. I agree with the curved flowerbeds comment - they look SO MUCH better than the straight across ones. Hopefully, you will be able to replant the shrubs you remove in your new flower beds (or somewhere else)...lessons learned the hard way - allow more space in your garden beds than you think you will need.
  • Betty Miller Betty Miller on Aug 18, 2015
    In the dream picture the steps in front don't lead any where. Would you curve a walk around to the garage or how do people get into your house looks like there is driveway on both side of house or is that street in second picture. Curves would soften the angles that idea I like.
    • Jean Jean on Aug 18, 2015
      @Betty Miller yes - I would make a walkway from the driveway (on the left of the house) to the steps that lead to the extended porch
  • Betty Miller Betty Miller on Aug 18, 2015
    I think that's a good plan. I would do that part first then take another look before you paint to decide. Will depend on what stone color you use in the stone work. Get that done then think about house color. The curves will really change the look. I would carry the curves in the walk to the driveway not just in front of door area. May just need shudders to pop with color.
  • Home Ideas HQ Home Ideas HQ on Sep 14, 2015
    Hi Jean, your house is a little different than the suggested image attached but something to maybe help spark ideas. We offer a free consultation on home design at our blog (I'm owner and architect) just for this very reason - generate ideas, provide cost estimates, and give you some more perspective into the project. We can very easily help you visualize what a change in color, roofing, etc would look like. Some real opportunity you have with a beautiful house! Good Luck.
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    • Jean Jean on Sep 14, 2015
      @Home Ideas HQ Thank you - I like the window details and twinning of the pillars in front