SK's Copper Patina and Oak Bath Vanity

SK on Elderberry
by SK on Elderberry
7 Days
My new cottage needed something a bit different for the master bath vanity. I have seen this done many times but it was a challenge to find the perfect size dresser.
This solid antique oak dresser is thirty-two inches tall and twenty inches deep. The top drawer was pulled out and made into a hinged cubby for bath accessories.

The second drawer has electrical plugin for all my implements of torture. i.e hair stying...
When we searched for a dresser which would work, we knew it had to have a minimum of twenty plus inches from the interior support styles. This is the framing which keep the whole cabinet together. The sink could only be 11" from front to back to fit. That left me the area behind the sink for the faucet.
As I sanded the original oak top it actually started to disintegrate. The oak on top was a very thin oak veneer. I eventually made a template of the top and bought a 1" oak panel and cut a new top. It was not the same kind of oak as the original so the staining is a bit different than the styles. I have been told that this old oak is called "painted Oak". I didn't know that.

The hand-pounded sink and bronze finish faucet were next.
I stained the top surface and the styles a cherry oak.
Modern Masters Metal Effects Paints are a favorite. As a farm girl, I love the look of rust and patina. This is what I came up with.
The final coat on the wood surface is a spar varnish created for boats. I know at least every four years I will need to fine sand the top surface and recoat with the spar varnish. This product is meant for wet areas.
I painted the cabinet four times with both the iron and the copper. When I had achieved the effect I was looking for, I fine sanded and waxed with a clear coat. I waxed and buffed three times.
The harp armed attached oval mirror will be attached as soon as the piece is installed and plumbed. Large ornate crystal knobs will be the final touch. Thanks for visiting. SK on Elderberry
I'm getting closer and closer to being finished in this little slice of Heaven.
Thanks to Parrot Uncle and their beautiful choices of lighting. You can see their amazing collection here:
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3 of 5 questions
  • Kellyc Kellyc on Feb 15, 2016
  • Ryan Ryan on Mar 12, 2016
    U did a great job it looks unbelievable, I was wondering did the finsh on the metal effects come out smooth to the touch? Or can u feel the layers and rust Any suggestions on clearing sanding and buffing, or how u made it look so spectacular? ;) did u the permaclear then sand? Or a different clear? I'm afraid of losing or taking away from the color when I sand. Love your work thank you for the inspiration!!
  • Cindy Cindy on Sep 01, 2016
    What kind of clear coat did you use on the copper before applying the rust? Your project is sensational by the way. You have a very good artistic eye! Thanks for your help, Cynthia
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2 of 283 comments
  • SK on Elderberry SK on Elderberry on Mar 02, 2019

    Hi. Oh boy I have no idea, other than I googled copper vanity sinks. It came from Mexico.

    good luck

    SK on Elderberry

  • Yvette Irons Yvette Irons on Oct 08, 2020

    Oh my goodness, How I miss you SK. I was scrolling around the inter-web today and came across this post. Your creativity, artistic passion and most of all, your generous and always willing to help new artists with tips, tricks, and how-to's. Thank you for all you've helped the newbies with. Your beautiful spirit is painfully missed. Love you you always
