Causes of Clutter: Finding A Place For Everything

by Kristin
A place for everything and everything in it's place.
How do you feel about this common saying? Does it make you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel called to action? Have you questioned that maybe this is the reason why there is so much clutter in your home?
What does this saying mean?
You may walk into a department or grocery store and think "wow, the shelves are cluttered! Have you ever wondered how people may feel when they walk into your home? Do you wonder if they think it feels like that when they walk in? I understand if your house is small and no matter how much you get rid of, there is only so much space you will have. Though, is it filled with unnecessary items?

A few things to consider:

1. Do you have too much of something? Are you storing more canned food than what you have space for? Do you have more clothes than what your closet can hold? Do you have enough pencils to supply a whole school? Think about all that you own (I know, a broad and deep question). Does anything come to mind that you have too much of? Don't deny it - if something comes to mind, acknowledge it and think "how can I lessen the amount?" Putting this question into action, is the difficult part, but it will help you get rid of something that you have too much of.

2. Find a home for EVERYTHING. Yes, I mean EVERYTHING. Look around your home. What is sitting aimlessly in a random location? A pile of papers? Books? School supplies? How many items do not have a home? Go through each room and make sure that all those loose items have a permanent home, even if they are being temporarily stored somewhere else.

3. Store each item in the RIGHT place. Not only does each item need a home, but each item needs to be stored in the place it is going to be used. It doesn't make sense to store canned food in a hallway closet - majority of the time, you forget about it anyways. It doesn't make sense to store shoes in the kitchen, when it is used for cooking. It is difficult to keep items in their rightful place. Especially because you know what? LIFE HAPPENS. Your home should be an active place. I just encourage you at the end of each day, to do a 10 minute pick up session. It may sound like a lot of time, but it could end up saving you from hours of cleaning at the end of the week.

A place for everything and everything in it's place.

Maybe your life fits into one of these 3 categories: house being overstocked, finding a home for everything, or storing it all in the right place. Whatever category (or maybe all 3) that you feel your life fits into, challenge yourself to find a place for everything and everything in it's place.
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