Do you use a coffee filter to clean tv screen?

by Mary-Ellen
  15 answers
  • Yes, they are lint-free.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Sep 05, 2021

    I use a microfiber cloth similar to the kind you get when you purchase eyeglasses.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Sep 05, 2021

    Hello. We use a proprietary kit - TV screen cleaner and cloth. The cloth is very silky much like the ones you use on your eyeglasses. Other types of fibers could scratch

  • Deb K Deb K on Sep 05, 2021

    Hi Mary-Ellen, Since coffee filters are lint-free and won't scratch your screen, they're the perfect tool for cleaning your LCD TV screen. Just turn your TV off and then use the dry coffee filter to dust by wiping it gently across the screen in a sweeping motion to cover every inch.

  • Janice Janice on Sep 05, 2021

    Yes, in a pinch I use coffee filters because they are link free. I prefer a soft microfiber cloth.

  • Mogie Mogie on Sep 05, 2021

    No I don't since I don't drink coffee. I use a microfiber cloth. Found I get better results when I spray the cleaner onto the rag and not the tv screen directly.

    • William William on Sep 06, 2021

      She asked about using coffee filter to clean the screen. It will scratch the screen as paper towels, terry cloths, fleece, etc

  • William William on Sep 05, 2021

    No! The coffee filter can scratch the screen.

    First and foremost, do not use any chemical products on an LCD screen. Especially do not use a common window cleaner (Windex, etc.) or anything with alcohol or ammonia in it. These are going to mess up the protective layer on your fancy TV screen. Windex was OK on the good old tube TVs, but has to stay away from the delicate screens of LCD, LED and Plasma TVs.

    Do it before turning your TV on, or make sure to have your TV off for around 15 minutes and completely cooled down before you go to clean it in any way. Otherwise, you’re going to run into evaporation issues with your cleaning solution and notice that it is very difficult to keep streaks from forming. Plus, it’s much easier to clean an all-black background rather with than the jerky movements and colors that most programming is comprised of.

    Spraying your LCD screen directly with cleaning solution is not a good plan. The ultimate sin would be to over-use a cleaning solution. Too much liquid usually means streaking. Don’t over-saturate your cleaning cloth either. A few gentle sprays will suffice to make your TV shine like the day you got it out of the box.

    Get a bottle of distilled water (no tap water).

    Pick up a spray bottle.

    Get some microfiber cloth. Stay away from paper towels and any other wood-based papers as they could leave fine scratches on the screen.

    Turn the set off and let your plasma screen (or any screen) fully cool down. Hot Screens and streaking usually go hand-in-hand on LEDs, etc.

    Fill the spray bottle with distilled water. Spray your microfiber cloth (not the screen).

    Gently wipe the screen in a circular motion with the cloth until the screen is clean and dry. There should not be any streaks if you did everything right. Once done with the cleaning, DRY the cleaned area with the drier portion of your cloth.

    If water is dripping down the screen into the electronics, you over saturated. Go section by section on your large display, and re-spray the cloth when you find wiping is too dry (rather than soaking the cloth with water on the outset).

    Repeatedly the process until you are satisfied with your newly clean LCD screen.

    • Mogie Mogie on Sep 06, 2021

      I am sorry but who are you replying to about scratching the tv screen?

      They don't scratch by themselves but if they become embedded with Grit aka sand, salt, any sharp crystals they will scratch.

  • Yes! I have used electronic wipes that I buy at the store for a really good clean.

  • Maura White Maura White on Sep 05, 2021

    isopropyl alcohol + coffee filter

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Sep 06, 2021

    I buy the bleach free coffee filters they are better than the white bleached ones but actually a microfiber cloth is better

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Sep 06, 2021

    Nooooo it will scratch micro fiber cloth damp slightly

  • Dee Dee on Sep 08, 2021

    Be careful a coffee filter could scratch your screen. Use a clean microfiber cloth, it is much safer.

  • Sharon Sharon on Sep 10, 2021

    I use static cling Electronic wipes that also helps it repel dust.