How to clean white "mineral" deposits off of dark grout?

by Ginger
Hello Hometalkers! A water problem (since repaired) has left behind a white "residue" on my dark grout. Any ideas how to clean without damaging the dark grout?
  10 answers
  • Ginger Ginger on Jun 29, 2018

    Hey Hometalkers. Thanks for all your help. I used 1 part vinegar, 1part water. I rubbed the grout lines with a toothbrush, then wiped with a damp rag.

    Worked great. No damage to the dark grout.


  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Jun 30, 2018

    You may want to consider dyeing your grout. Go to the Aquamix website. They sell grout colorant, which you could probably find some to match your existing grout. If you have a tile store near you, they sell it there as well and they have samples of what it would look like.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Feb 02, 2023

    Here are several tips and tricks that might help you

  • Mogie Mogie on Feb 02, 2023

    Combine equal parts vinegar and water, storing the solution in a spray bottle for easy use. Frequently spray the concoction on your tiles and surrounding grout and allow it to sit overnight if possible. You can then use a sponge or brush to scrub the area and remove any stains.

  • Have you tried baking soda and hydrogen peroxide? Tough scrub brush helps too:

  • Deb K Deb K on Oct 03, 2023

    Hi Ginger, hope this helps you out. Mix two parts baking soda with one part vinegar. And if you have coarse or fragile tiles, mix two parts baking soda with one part hydrogen peroxide. If desired, you can also use a commercial grout cleaner. Use a grout brush or old toothbrush to apply the paste to the grout lines

  • Mix vinegar and water and scrub with an old toothbrush.

  • Dee Dee on Oct 03, 2023

    Heat up 1 cup of white vinegar, mix in about 1/4 cup of Dawn Premium. Not the dollar store kind, because it is too thin. When mixed, pour into a spray bottle and fill with water. Shake. Spray down the grout and let it sit overnight. In the morning rinse. If you have stubborn stains, spray again. Use this mixture a few times a week. It will keep your grout and tiles clean. Also works wonders in the toilet bowl to keep hard water stains at bay. Oh you only have to heat the vinegar one time when you add the Dawn.

  • Dee Dee on Oct 04, 2023

    You could also buy Maepi Grout Refresh and change the color too if you want to. Amazon sells it. I did this in my bathroom several years ago. It has a sealer built in and it has lasted many years without any problems. It is not hard to do, just tedious.

  • Mogie Mogie on Oct 04, 2023

    Combine equal parts vinegar and water, storing the solution in a spray bottle for easy use. Frequently spray the concoction on your tiles and surrounding grout and allow it to sit overnight if possible. You can then use a sponge or brush to scrub the area and remove any stains.