What can I use to clean my laptop screen?
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You can buy special electronics wipes at mist stores. Or some people use a damp microfiber cloth.
I use the same cloth that came with my glasses :)
I use a cleaner made of one part rubbing alcohol to three or four parts water. I lightly spray (just damp, not wet) a microfiber cloth And wipe the screen. I use it on all my electronics.
My only addition is to stress that you spray your cloth very lightly not your screen. Most important as it can damage if directly put on screen. Caseyem11 has a great recipe there.
I use a microfibre duster, breath on the screen and gently wipe over with the duster.
You should use either a specially designed cloth for cleaning laptop screens or the same thing that would be used for glasses.
I use pledge multi-surface cleaner for all of our electronic screens . I must stress, as everyone else has, spray on the cloth, then wipe the screen .
use a -USED-fabric softener sheet - NOT a new one (too much grease in them)
--if you have a lot of grime (why would you? - don't TOUCH the screen) anyway, you can spray a tiny bit of 50-50 vinegar-water onto the sheet, to help with stubborn spots . The fabric softener sheet helps with static too.
just a few suggestions - GOOGLE IT!
Use a microfiber cloth with the lens cleaner that I have for my glasses. As long as you spray the cloth and not of surface of the computer, you should be just fine. Cloth should be damp but not wet!!! Good luck...
Casyem's recipe and use is the ideal. When I was a tech way back when there weren't any ready made solutions and we used alcohol and water. And always and I mean always use lint free material. DO NOT SPRAY THE SCREEN. Spray the cloth and wipe the screen.
You can use glasses cleaner. This is what I do when I clean my screens.
I use hand sanitizer and a clean tissue.
A drop of dishwasher liquid on a soft cloth.
Damp microfiber cloth.
I just wipe with a damp cloth then buff with a clean dry cloth. If you decide to use a spray type cleaner, such as Windex, remember to spray the cloth then wipe; never ever spray the screen.
Well this might not clean your screen, but it is a great little tool to have when you are cleaning your laptop, it is called Toddler Keys. TK, google it. and this will the last time I reply on this website. The comment section keeps reverting back to the beginning of the comments section and you can't hit backspace to delete a wrong entry, what a piece of crap
I use a wet wipe and a soft cloth.
I use a microfier cloth sprayed with Lens cleaner for eye glasses. Do not wet the screen down, just wipe with the cloth.