How do I make a wedding centerpiece?

  5 answers
  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Dec 23, 2018

    What sort of center piece do you want? Is it for a big display table or each individual table.

    You could do simple flower arrangement for smaller tables, and use the same flowers in a bigger display for a large table. But really need more information.

  • Dwp7470b Dwp7470b on Dec 23, 2018

    How Fancy do you need it? You can make it out of Cake with Imagery in Icing, or by Flowers or even by using other edibles as Fruits....

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Dec 23, 2018

    Wedding centerpieces depend on your style or plan for the wedding. If you want rustic: use a slab of a tree for the base like a one inch cut of the tree, put an old looking lantern on it, the square kind with a candle in it that you can make or buy inexpensively in a craft department, then add a small clear vase with a bouquet of baby breath or something similar; second, if you are more modern put a long silver tray on the table and 3 small vases frosted on the outside with epsom salts and mod podge, then a silver ribbon around them and a candle inside; thirdly, another idea is to use 3 wine goblets upside down and put a daisy head or similar flower under them, and and short wide candle on top the flat part, set them on a pretty serving tray or doily. These are 3 different styles that might give you an idea. The 3 inverted goblets could have any color bloom in them, fake or real, to match the wedding bride's color theme. Hope this helps Sue.

  • Theme? Colors? Do you want flowers or go with something else. Just Google "wedding centerpieces DIY" and thousands of options and tutorials will pop up.

  • Hi Sue - This article has 115 inspirational ideas for a rustic wedding. It's been pinned several thousand times. Hope this helps and blessings to the happy couple. Hugs, Holly