How to put stencil on a garage door?

by Lad10129456
  4 answers
  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Sep 01, 2018

    Lad, this will show you how. Stencils are wonderful and you can find them with any design you want. Some are inexpensive and others can be really pricey. I hope this video helps you.

  • Cindy Cindy on Sep 01, 2018

    I saw a post on YouTube where a home owner used stencils to make "faux" hinges, windows, and handles. It looked like a carriage garage. And it was all done with paint. Really cute. Stencils can be purchased at home improvement stores, Amazon, or a stencil company called Cutting Edge. Wishing you all the best.

  • When using stencils, use way less paint than you think. Your roller needs to be almost dry. Off load it on a paper plate before applying or it will bleed under the stencil.

    However, most stencils read as a solid, perfect pattern from far away no matter how many mistakes we made. Good luck!

  • Marty Ayers Marty Ayers on Apr 25, 2023

    The most important thing about stenciling is getting ALL the edges to stick down... Use a "repositionable" adhesive* on the back of the stencil.... Aleene's makes one and there are several others as well... the key is to let the spray on adhesive DRY completely before using it... and I have used a small rolling pin to make sure everything stick evenly.... Use multiple LIGHT coats of paint to keep it from getting under the edges... you can use a sponge, spray paint, or a roller... suitable for the type of surface.... but the heavier the coat of paint... the more likely it will creep under the edge of the stencil

    *Depending on the number of times you have to relocate the stencil (more than one stencil may help here)... you may need to refresh the adhesive between uses... just remember to let it dry completely before using.