Coastal Sea Shell Christmas Tree
(IC: homeowner)
3 Materials
1 Hour
I felt like adding another sea shell tree to go with my others since I'm decorating for Christmas, so I pulled together my supplies and got busy!
I had purchased these turquoise limpet shells awhile back knowing I would make a tree with them. I also had some sea glass in my craft stash. I purchased the small styrofoam cone at the dollar store. To be honest here, I thought of the sea glass addition at the end of the project to correct some mistakes. More about that later.
I typically hate using a glue gun because I burn my fingers but for this project you need something that will dry immediately so the shells don't slide around. I started with the biggest shells for the bottom row.
I also placed the glue toward the top of the long side of the limpet shell. They are oval in shape but do have one side longer than the other. I did this so I could glue the shell at a slight slant so overlapping the next row would be easier.
Here's what it looks like (sorry for the blurry picture!) as I layered the row and overlapped any open areas.
Okay, now I'm seeing progress and my fingers are burnt up!
The styrofoam cone I bought had a flat top so I had to glue a row of shells to make more of a point at the top. You can see what I mean in this photo. Can you see the glue gun hairs all over this? They all get pulled off at the end ;-)
Next, I glued the last two shells almost leaning against themselves but with space for a starfish at the top. Can you say the word serendipity? As I looked at the tree when all the shells were on it, I noticed even though I had been very careful to overlap the shells and try to ensure there were no gaps, there were many. That's when I got out my sea glass and began gluing small triangular pieces between the shells. I liked the look so much that I put pieces of sea glass in almost every gap I could find. And then I put it along the base of the tree to finish it off.
Here it is with the pieces of sea glass sticking out. Almost looks like lights on the tree. I added a cute little white starfish to the top to finish it off.
I took the finished tree and added it to my other shell trees and coastal mantle. I have a collection of glass candlesticks that I found are perfect for displaying the shell trees. Here's wishing you all a very Merry CHRISTmas and happy crafting!
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Suggested materials:
- Limpet seashells (online)
- Seaglass (collected and Pier 1)
- Styrofoam cone (Dollar Tree)
Published December 17th, 2016 11:50 AM
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3 of 8 comments
Tricia Jackson Jones on Oct 16, 2021
Can you tell me how many shells it took and the size? Also would like to know the size of the cone. I love it. I already have some oyster shell trees and I think they will look great together! Thanks for the idea.
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