How can I cover my dishwasher top??

I have a very old and tired looking portable dishwasher with a wood laminate/particle board top. My kitchen is tiny and there is no space for a built in dishwasher, so I just roll my dishwasher out of the way when I need to.

I thought about making a real butcher block top for it but I learned that at the price of butcherblock ($$$) I could buy a new dishwasher, and that is out of the question.

That being said, I am looking for ideas on how I can cover the surface of my dishwasher.

  11 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 31, 2021

    Here is a price comparison chart for several materials used for counters maybe this will help:

  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 31, 2021

    You can cover it in contact paper in a pattern you like. This apartment dweller used contact paper to give her countertops the look of marble:

  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 31, 2021

    Maybe you could get a large cutting board about the same size as your dishwasher for the top. That way, it could be prettier and useful. Or, you could put a pretty tray on top of your dishwasher and use it to store spices, salt and pepper shakers, etc.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jan 31, 2021

    I did a chopping block for my client's RV on top of the stove burners from 3/4" plywood, and used thin strips of wood trim on the edges I glued on and used finish nails. Then I used spar varnish to finish, rubbed out with 0000 steel wool, and waxed with beeswax. Functional and its stood up over time.

  • Lana Lana on Jan 31, 2021

    Is that wood on top removable? Depending on that and how big the dishwasher is, it looks like a stovetop cover may work. I have a bamboo stove top cover for my gas stovetop that looks about the same size. It just sits on top, has adjustable feet and only cost around $80 at Amazon. Might work...

    • Barbara Tremain Dodge Barbara Tremain Dodge on Jan 31, 2021

      Yes, the top of the dishwasher is held on by only two screws!

      I like the idea of a bamboo top, I had no idea such things existed. I'll search Amazon to see what I can find, the top is 27"x24-1/8".

      I dabble in wood working , but will be having surgery this week so I hope to purchase something. If I can't find something of a similar size that would work, I'll wait a bit and maybe try to make a cover.

      Thanks for this suggestion!

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jan 31, 2021

    Keep in mind that the cost of any solid surface counter top material (as opposed to a laminate) is not only the price pr sq foot. There is an additional cost pr linear foot for the edging finish.

    I agree that the cost of ordering a solid surface new top the size to fit this dishwasher would likely equal the price of a brand new appliance.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jan 31, 2021

    Home improvement stores sell slabs of laminate counter top in various sizes. They usually come with one edge in a standard bull-nose roll edge finish. The new laminate top piece could be turned so the the curved edge faces any direction. It would not have to be on the same side as the dishwasher door.

    comment photo
  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Feb 01, 2021

    Use laminate countertop. Since it is such a small surface, I bet you could pick up a remnant that has an imperfection. I did this to make a desk for my daughter's room and got it for $10! On the sides, you can "hide" them with luan.

  • Take a trip to your local home improvement store to see the options available to you. One option is a nice piece of plywood, stained and sealed.

  • Dee Dee on Feb 02, 2021

    You should take off the top and fix the edges with glue. Then you can use contact paper to cover the entire unit. OR go to HD and get a piece of leftover laminate countertops. It is very inexpensive. Habit for Humanity also sells leftover countertops.

  • You could also drop by a Habitat ReStore, see what materials they may have.