Asked on Oct 19, 2013

What is this vine? Growing fast on my Texas fence. Volunteer.

by Lynn
Although I'm delighted with it covering my fence, am wondering if it's invasive? Leaves are 4" x 6" and it is tough to remove from ground. Seems to spread easily which makes me wonder. It has grown all the way across my back yard THIS year! Thanks for what you might know about this.
Leaf close up.
Across back fence
Close up of growth pattern
  19 answers
  • Luis Luis on Oct 19, 2013
    Lynn I believe that it is wild grape
  • It kind of looks like the Texas Native Alamo Vine (Merremia dissecta) which is relative to the morning glory (does it bloom?) ~this looks like the vine And it is most likely invasive if it grows this fast LOL
  • Lynn Lynn on Oct 19, 2013
    It does not bloom (I think). I have morning glories which have small heart shaped leaves that look nothing like these as the edges are smooth and heart shaped. I'll look at the Alamo Vine as I've not heard of it. My daught thought it looked like grape...... which Luis suggested.
  • Lynn Lynn on Oct 19, 2013
    Aha! Not the Texas Alamo as the lobes on the leaves do not split totally into the center as does the Alamo. It may indeed be a wild grape.
  • Jane Rowinsky Jane Rowinsky on Oct 20, 2013
    It's a wild grape. We have two varieties here, Scupanogs and Muscadines. Both taste wonderful but are very invasive if not on a trellis and controlled..
  • Cp C Cp C on Oct 21, 2013
    VINES certainly look grape-like. We have scuppernongs and muscadines, but never saw leaves like that; I am sure those who know, though, see it IS a wild grape... Just do a lot of trimming back since you do like it?? And perhaps even of some of the large stems at the ground, since it doesn't look as tho you will miss a plant or 2 very much!!
  • Lynn Lynn on Oct 21, 2013
    I haven't found a 'leaf' like this but the growing pattern surely looks like a wild grape. Have not seen blooms or fruit but perhaps since our neighbor's tree came down last year and it now has more sun, it will change.??? Since I like the fence softening effect it has, we will just have to monitor it closely and keep under control. I was amazed on the web how much HATRED there is for this type plant. A few choose to keep it and make jam/jelly but most remove it (in very violent ways!) We choose to NOT use herbicides and also have a few thorny dewberries (like baby blackberries) we just eliminate as best we can frequently. I actually like alot of variety in my random beds, but want it to ALL have a place. Thanks for all your input. This was my first time to use the community here and you were great!
  • Lynn Lynn on Oct 21, 2013
    Great link Rhonda. It seems it is a frequently noted vine, with some variance in the exact shape of the leaf. What I find interesting is that it is an important source of food for much wildlife, so I will definitely keep it. We keep encroaching on their habitat.......I want them to stay with us!
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Oct 21, 2013
    It kind of looks like a porcelain vine leaf to me. Does it flower in the summer?
    • See 2 previous
    • Cindy tustin Cindy tustin on Oct 21, 2013
      @Karen rhinevault mine is deffinetley porcelian vine I looked there are several varietys and varigated is one and it has berries not grapes clusters of tiny white blooms.
  • Lynn Lynn on Oct 21, 2013
    It does look like SOME of the p. berries I see on the web. But not like ALL of them. I have never seen berries, but reading all of the things I read, I think, in the climate here in Houston, TX, area I need to be extra diligent to see what is getting caught in it's web. This is has been an outstanding site for my education! Thanks to all of you!
    • Karen rhinevault Karen rhinevault on Oct 21, 2013
      @Lynn The leaves look like my porcelain berry but once it fruits, there would be no doubt. It will be easy to tell if it bears grapes or the porcelain berries. My porcelain berries go from green to blue to purple to whitish. No way to confuse them with grapes. I don't think they are edible--or at least not tasty.
  • Patricia Patricia on Oct 21, 2013
    Looks like the wild grape vines. We have two different kinds that grow in our yard here in Rockport, TX
  • Kelp4Less Kelp4Less on Oct 21, 2013
    Well, whatever it is, it's sure pretty!!!
  • Emilia Menthe Emilia Menthe on Oct 21, 2013
    look like the wild mustang type grape we get here west of Fort Worth
  • The French Gardener The French Gardener on Oct 21, 2013
    It is a very interesting debate.Who is right, we might never know. Common names don't mean anything for me. I definetely classified this plant in the Vitacea family. Rhonda Brady might be right with 'Vitis aestivalis', but White Oak Studio Design has a point with a porcelain vine, except flower time won't help, they both bloom in the summer (aestivalis). The reason, I am incline to go with Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. maximowiczii is the leave of the first pix which is dark green and long. In Vitis aestivalis, the edge of the leaf blade has lobes, or it has both teeth and lobe, and they are broader. Also it ranges in size and shape, from round and unlobed to deltoid and lobed: (Doesn't see it on the third picture).Leaves are green.
  • Freda Freda on Oct 21, 2013
    This a wild grape vine. If it develops grapes, they may be Muscidines (spelled incorrectly), which are great for jelly.
  • Lynn Lynn on Oct 21, 2013
    I know when we lived in Simonton, TX, we had something similar, and it had grapes that were great for jelly (and tracking into the house.) They made your hands itch if you washed them without gloves. But I can't remember the exact shape of the leaf. I remember our kids swinging on the vines at a fairly advanced age so they were quite strong in the lower part of the main trunk!
  • Linda Linda on Oct 21, 2013
    Seems similar to Virginia Creeper .. it's very invasive, and if it's this stuff, watch out when you try to cut it back. It contains a sap that causes some nasty burning rash .. worse than poison ivy. I spent 6 weeks on prednisone to put it down. So cover up, from one end to the other. And wash, wash, wash ... if it comes anywhere in contact with your skin.
  • Laura Havlick Laura Havlick on Jun 11, 2016
    I have a vine that is similar but I can't quite pin it down. I've looked at all of the references here (and Google images) and it is very close to Vitus aestivalis (Summer Grape). I'm going to check with my local agriculture agent and inspect the leaves more closely. I've had mine for several years and it has grown over and overtaken some wild bushes, plus I have some growing up my backyard steps on the metal railing that is growing like crazy. I also just got a rash after cutting back some of this vine, so that might've caused it. I will be careful handling it from now on. I don't think I've ever seen berries or flowers, but that would help identify it also. My main concern is that it is an invasive of central Texas where I live. Thanks for this info!
  • Kay Kay on Jun 11, 2016
    Looks like Virginia Creeper. Maybe this will help. I love the look of it in fall the best. Parthenocissus quinquefolia