Can I plant garlic in an aquarium?

Lynn Bennett
by Lynn Bennett
  4 answers
  • Hi Lynn, I don't believe that's possible, since garlic doesn't like to be wet when grown in the garden.

    • Em Em on Jan 30, 2019

      Don't see where fish and water are involved in the equation.

  • You certainly can try. I would place at least an inch or two of aquarium gravel on the bottom, then a layer of sand, then potting medium. Water sparingly as garlic doesnt like wet feet aka roots. You have a 50 / 50 chance of being successful. Anything is worth a try! If not, plant outside in the garden.

  • Lynn Sorrell Lynn Sorrell on Jan 29, 2019

    With fish?? NO

  • DORLIS DORLIS on Jan 30, 2019

    WHY?? What purpose would it serve? garlic grows very well in flower pots, in fact I have some along with onions, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, ginger and turmeric. My cats like having a green jungle to wander in.