Why are my tomato plant leaves turning yellow?

by Anna

Help! Can someone tell me why are my tomato plant leaves turning yellow? I have some really nice tomato plants, and they yield tons of tomatoes. I take very good care of them, give them tons of water and fertilizer, and they usually look healthy and green. For the first time I am seeing yellow leaves on tomato plants and I don't know what to do about it. Does anyone know how to deal with tomato plants turning yellow?

  7 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 02, 2018

    Hi Anna,

    The answer may be in your question, "tons of water", try to water only the roots-with somewhat less water- and see if they respond better. Yellow leaves usually indicates too much water. You can also give them a nutrient called Epsom Salt, this is magnesium sulfate, something they need to stay healthy. Put it on the soil only because it can burn the plant. Best to you.

    • Anna Anna on Dec 03, 2018

      Thank you - I will go ahead and adjust my watering. I appreciate your advice! Can you give me a general guideline as to how much water they should need?

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Dec 02, 2018

    Tomato plants are annuals, not perennials, so they will die when they are finished producing. Leaves turning yellow can be the plant telling you it is spent.

    Save some seeds from the tomatoes for next years plants.

    • Anna Anna on Dec 03, 2018

      OK I had a hunch that might be the case. Kind of like me turning gray  .

      How do I use the seeds to replant for next year?

  • Kauai Breeze Kauai Breeze on Dec 02, 2018

    If they are turning yellow from the bottom of the plant up, it is most likely a soil borne disease. Don't fret, just pull off the yellow leaves and dispose of them in the trash. Your plant will continue to grow and produce loads of fruit. Add a stake or tomato cage to tie your plant up away from the ground. Mulching your plants as soon as you plant them will help, but not eliminate, yellowing leaves. Removing excess leaves and suckers will force the plant to produce more fruit.

    • Anna Anna on Dec 03, 2018

      Thank you. If it's a soil borne disease, I don't need to do anything to treat this?

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Dec 02, 2018

    Give them a couple tablespoons of Epsom salts in a gallon of water and water them especially in the heat. The epsom salts help them green up and produce better.

    • See 1 previous
    • DesertRose DesertRose on Dec 03, 2018

      once a month or a few times a season is enough , water heavy when you do water but then let them alone until you stick your finger in to first knuckle on finger and it feels dry...then time to water again (depending on heat in season etc). Do not water if soil does not feel dry yet at the top like I said to first knuckle

  • they may need to be fertilized with nitrogen.

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 03, 2023

    The most common reason why the leaves on established tomato plants turn yellow is a lack of nutrients in the soil. Tomatoes are extremely heavy feeders and require plenty of nutrients to grow healthy and be fruitful.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 23, 2024

    Maybe too much water?