Satellite Turtle

Celia Collier
by Celia Collier
2 Materials
2 Hours
Last November I lost my 13 year old fur baby, Casper. In February I adopted Annie. I should have named her Houdini! Previously I had used tree trimmings to block holes and camouflaged the fence/gate. Annie escaped twice through the smallest of holes.
When I moved into this rental, satellite tv junk littered the yard. I saved the dish with thoughts of turning it into a bird bath. After Annie's second escape, I needed something to finish blocking the hole.
I turned the dish and used the stationary pole as a wedge. Worked great. But, (you knew there would be one), every time I went out the back door I would think there was a turtle there. So, I made a turtle (sort of).
I cleaned and dried the dish. Using acrylic craft paint, I painted the mounting bracket dark brown. The area around the mounting brackets I painted a lighter brown. I scrubbed added two shades of green.
Back to the fence and re-blocking the escape route. See, kinda looks like a turtle.
The further away you are, the more it looks like a turtle.
The view from my patio.
Suggested materials:
  • Discarded satellite dish   (Free)
  • Acrylic paint   (Home Depot)
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