Get rid of centipedes from drain?
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How do you get rid of sink/drain flies?
I would like to know how to get rid those pesty little sink/drain flies. I've tried baking soda and vinegar, drain cleaners and put plastic over the drains.
Vinegar might help.
My girlfriend has this problem at her weekend house. They toss down vinegar then cover all the drains before leaving. She says it helps.
Here's a link that should guide you and help you.
pour baking soda followed by white vinegar
Nasty things, aren't they! I was leaning over the sink, brushing my teeth when one came flying out of the drain; I screamed. I thought I was in a horror movie! I haven't tried baking soda and vinegar yet, but in case they aren't handy when the problem arises, I keep long tongs handy; the kind for getting the corn out of the pot. I snatch them up, and get rid of the creepy little thing outside, far away from the house!
Heres a link —I hope it helps?