How can I get my dog to stop digging holes in my yard?

by Kbo21648035
  5 answers
  • Ton15975135 Ton15975135 on Jun 09, 2017

    Hide his spade!

  • Rob7453153 Rob7453153 on Jun 09, 2017

    There are a couple of things you can try. If he goes back to the same place every time, try putting some stones into the hole before you refill it. Some people do the same thing except use poop instead of stones, but that doesn't appeal to me. Some people create a sandbox for their dog in a corner of the yard and redirect him to it until he gets the message that it's the only place where he is allowed to dig. Take a couple of his toys and put them in the sand so he has an incentive to go there.

  • Sharon Depatie Sharon Depatie on Jun 09, 2017

    I've had many dogs & some are just born diggers, some dig as pups & grow out of it, but mostly dogs dig when bored & looking for amusement. Some breeds need more people interaction & stimulation than others. If he's bored & tied up outside, more walks & exercise & playing with him in the yard. Like a toddler left alone too long, they will get into mischief. If he's past the pup stage & not bored, then assign him an area where you've laid down a layer of gravel, let him dig, then refill his holes every few days. Or bring him in every time you see him start digging.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 09, 2017

    Try to put hot pepper in the holes he seems to go to the most, flake or powder which ever you have. See if that deters him, if it does, put it in each hole and see if it deters him. If it does, try filling the holes and put the pepper on the area to keep him away, do this each time you find him digging and he may learn that this is a bad thing and stay away from this behavior. Stay vigilant for a while to keep on top of it. Dogs are no different than kids and can learn what behaviors are acceptable and what isn't. They may occasionally may need a lesson again, but as long as he has toys, etc. to take its place, or even a new friend, he may quit for good.