How can I keep birds away from my carport and pooping on my cars
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Net your Carports so they can't get in..............
We have hug rubber snakes around our porches. Looks odd at first but it works for us. You could also try a plastic Owl. Small birds see owls as preditors. Just move the owl around every few days si they don't catch on.
There is obviously places they can nest, I’d say put up with it until the season is over as song bird numbers are dwindling , then you need to look at options that will keep the birds from the spots where they are perching and nesting. If there’s a way you can close up the roof that is the best way to keep them out permanently. If you want something super cheap you could just staple up a superfine chicken wire.
Put birdhouses in your yard...maybe they would prefer detached housing😄
My dad used a bird scream tape. It is green and when it moves it scares them away.
I've read that businesses have installed a beacon light that rotates, like one they stick on the roof of a pickup at a construction site. Apparently they can't sleep with that light going round and round, so they move to someplace else. You mount the light high up in the rafters.
I would put up netting, it would prevent them from entering the carport and anchor it.
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