How do I stop squirrels or mice from chewing on electrical wiring?

by Sob

At night something chewing on wiring behind medicine cabinet.

  5 answers
  • You need to find out where they are getting in and block it off. If they are chewing on wiring, I'd be concerned about an electrical fire. Call an electrician for an expert opinion.

  • Kauai Breeze Kauai Breeze on May 05, 2019

    Mice usually sense the electrical current and do not chew wiring unless it is life or death the get out. You may have a mouse nest or bird nest in the attic above it and that is what you hear. If you remove the medicine cabinet (look for screws on the inside where it is screwed to the studs) and do find the wiring is chewed, replace the wiring immediately because it is a severe fire hazard.

  • Mad29883817 Mad29883817 on May 05, 2019

    Put peppermint or fake snakes

  • Judy Judy on May 05, 2019

    The best suggestion I have is to prevent the rodents from getting in to begin with. Placing traps or even an exterminator that can get rid of them quicker because the amount of damage to your electrical will be much more expensive than an exterminator. We just had to do this

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Dec 07, 2023

    Here's a post that might help, there is a section that talks about using soap to get rid of mice