How do you keep rabbits from eating your lawn? no fences..

by Dia28681251
  9 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Sep 05, 2017

    Keep a fruit and vegetable scrap pile at the edge of your yard. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables so you will have lots of scraps. It's against the law in most places to poison rabbits but you could check local laws. The only other no-fence was I know of is to get a frisky yelpy yappy dog who runs them out of or into the ground so you can't see them. Why do you NOT want them? Just wondering.

    • Dia28681251 Dia28681251 on Sep 06, 2017

      Hi. thanks for replying. we do have a dog, but she's losing her vision..she does help a little. I see several responses saying "rabbits don't eat the lawn"..well, they do here in Southern California & we have a lot of neighbors to attest to it w/lawns dying..not from lack of water but the rabbits out at all hours eating the lawn. Our front yard grass is all new, they eat it,,our backyard which is fenced, older grass, still eat it. We've added chicken wire in the backyard over the iron fence, & they still sneak in. Soo, not trying to kill them, just trying to save our yards:) Some people have put down synthetic lawns, but it is very expensive when it's done right. Several thousand more than a new lawn:( one article suggests cayenne pepper...

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 05, 2017

    Rabbits generally do not eat the lawn.You most likely have moles.Treat the lawn for grubs. twice a year.

  • Sunny C Sunny C on Sep 05, 2017

    Hello Diane; I researched this for you, and I hope that these links will help with your Rabbit problem!!! Good Luck!! Take Care! › Garden › Pest Control

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Sep 05, 2017

    Rabbits do not damage the lawn nor eat it to the roots or anything, I would just enjoy seeing them as local wildlife that comes to see you each day. That is a blessing. They won't harm the lawn unless it is a brand new planting, then you could put up the orange mesh net that can be purchased by the foot at hardware stores like Lowes, Menards, and Home Depot.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Sep 05, 2017

    I am a retired Postal Carrier... I had one customer... who put wire fencing such as rabbit wire or mini chicken wire down on his new grass lawn (no fence either) and let the grass grow up thru it... this kept the root system intact because the rabbits could not eat down to it... Remember to set the cut depth on your lawn mower higher so the grass is a little longer but the mower blades don't hit the wire.... the other option is to use synthetic turf... the rabbits don't like

  • Cindy Cindy on Sep 05, 2017

    We got rid of rabbits be using moth balls. You can scatter them in your yard. Rabbits hate the smell and taste. They would rather take up residence somewhere else. This method is inexpensive and effective.

  • FL FL on Sep 05, 2017

    Here is a website that will offer tips, advise and ideas on how to deal with the rabbit problem you are having! Good luck!

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Sep 06, 2017

    You really are distressed. 1/2 mile from my house, people are fighting with feral hogs for possession of their lawns. If you feel like it, why not try a combination of things for, say, a month. Stake out your yard in about four sections. Put cayenne pepper on one section. Stake chicken wire HORIZONTALLY on one section. Buy one of the rabbit repellent sprays or pellets for one section. And on the last section, closest to your door, let your little doggy have a safe place to play. If any rabbits want to play tag, it will be under your supervision. After a month, you should be able to tell if any of these methods or other are working. I truly hope you find and answer--then share it on 😇

  • FL FL on Sep 06, 2017

    I save that website and use it to answer tons of requests for information!