Asked on Apr 22, 2013

How to get rid of frogs.

Last year my husband and I decided to put an above ground swimming pool, which, within a week was full of frogs and frog eggs (yuk)... We drained it and filled it up again only to have these unwelcome guest back within days, this time we cleaned the pool without draining but put chemicals only to make the pool useless to humans. No pool last year. We decided to drain it and take it out. Today we still have no pool but hoping to put it back within the next few weeks, today my husband noticed we have frogs in our back yard, I am sure they can't wait to go swimming... How can I get rid of them? HELP!!!
  21 answers
  • Leslie D Leslie D on Apr 22, 2013
    Frogs hate snakes. How about some rubber snakes around the pool? They also make a device called a "frog log", which is basically a ramp that helps the frogs climb out. Frogs don't like the chemicals in pools, but typically can't find their way out once they get in.
  • Thank you Leslie, I like the snake idea more than the ramp, I just don't want the frogs inside my pool. We even dusted borax around the pool but it didn't seem to bother them.
  • Becky P Becky P on Apr 22, 2013
    I have to say, that's the oddest thing I have heard. We have had an above ground pool for over 10 years, and have never had that problem. (knock on wood) I do keep 2 rubber snakes on the edge to keep the birds out.
  • Becky P Becky P on Apr 22, 2013
    I googled it, and alot of the sites say to make sure your chemicals are at the proper levels.
  • I have to ask, how in the world if you had an above ground pool did these critters get in? Perhaps a neighbor who did not like you? I have seen frogs in inground pools, but not in any numbers. Normally they do not travel all that far in the open, unless there is really deep grass for them to hide in.
    • See 1 previous
    • Mark Dio Mark Dio on May 13, 2014
      @Woodbridge Environmental they jump high suction cups for feet , ladder ,deck
  • Thanks Becky, since you are the second person to mention the rubber snakes I will try them, cross our fingers it works. Woodbridge, the neighbors thing might be true (j/k). I saw the frogs climb our pool, seems like their feet have suction and they can do it no problem, they have also climbed our deck. Our grass stays short since we like to use our backyard in the summer. However, a small creek runs behind our backyard.
    • Barbara Kelly Simboli Barbara Kelly Simboli on Sep 08, 2013
      @Organic Cleaning Services I think I have tree frogs...light green in color, webbed feet and they sure can jump. I have seen a few, but never a 'group'....they definitely find refuge at the base of my pool, almost under the liner (intex pool). I am going to try the salt around the base next. the rubber snakes didn't work....I think I heard the frog laugh when he got close to
  • Virginia Virginia on May 23, 2013
    I've had the same problem and last year what I did I bought a bag of salt that is normally used on inground pools and put it all around the pool as if it was sand. And, no more frogs. Have to do it this year again, since we have had so much rain and frogs are everywhere.
    • See 2 previous
    • Needsleep Needsleep on Jun 14, 2014
      @Debbie I recently was able to have a good night sleep...3 nights to be exact. I tried everything I read on the internet. Therefore, I am not sure which one actually worked. But, lately there has been silence in my backyard and around my pool. Every night as the sun would go down, they would start croaking. Even with us playing music and swimming. I had my son and his friend pull all weeds in and outside of my property. I sprayed the weeds with image and round up. I physically collected the frogs that were closes to our pool. After that, I salted them. That kills them in about a minute. Then, I placed moth balls around the perimeter of my yard. It has rained all week and no frogs. I do not normally hurt frogs; but, they were extremely loud and kept me awake at night.
  • Makes perfect sense. Thank you Virginia
  • Cla237683 Cla237683 on Sep 27, 2013
    I finally found out how to get rid of these frogs!!! I tried many things I found on-line and none worked. The other night I had it with them waking me up with their loud chirping. This may sound cruel but it worked. I got a BB riffle that you can put pellets in. Pumped it up as high as possible walked up to the big male frog and shot him in the top of his head. I felt like a hit women. It's been a few days now and not a sound I went looking for the females last night and could find one. Ahhh it's so nice to sleep. Plus I don't have to worry about the snakes being attracted to my yard. I have two small dogs. If you don't want to kill them and can catch them (I couldn't) take them on a one way trip far from your home.
    • See 2 previous
    • Bshane Bshane on May 22, 2019

      Serial killers often start out killing small animals and finding that they enjoy it... Just saying.

  • Virginia Virginia on Jun 08, 2014
    I just put two bags around the pool 3 weeks ago, it has rained a lot, some did run, but I still have a lot around the pool, which is doing it's job. I will however, around the top part of the pool and deck, spread every so often kitchen salt to make sure they won't around that part of the pool, also added Clorox and believe me - no frogs yet!
  • Needsleep Needsleep on Jun 14, 2014
    I recently was able to have a good night sleep...3 nights to be exact. I tried everything I read on the internet. Therefore, I am not sure which one actually worked. But, lately there has been silence in my backyard and around my pool. Every night as the sun would go down, they would start croaking. Even with us playing music and swimming. I had my son and his friend pull all weeds in and outside of my property. I sprayed the weeds with image and round up. I physically collected the frogs that were closes to our pool. After that, I salted them. That kills them in about a minute. Then, I placed moth balls around the perimeter of my yard. It has rained all week and no frogs. I do not normally hurt frogs; but, they were extremely loud and kept me awake at night.
  • 123366844 123366844 on Jul 04, 2014
    Spectracide Wasp and Hornet Killer. Instant disabler, quick death. Can I collect funds from the government for a study? No studying needed. We are overrun with frogs that keep our whole home up all night. We even baked cookies to pass the time. No more. Problem solved. You're welcome, Spectracide. Do a "study" make some money (then cut me a check).
    • Kimbelaknows Kimbelaknows on May 20, 2015
      @1234 How did you use the Spectracide? Did you have to apply it directly to the toads?
  • Phyllis Dujon Phyllis Dujon on Jul 11, 2014
    We have a symphony of frogs every nite. They will live under the top rail of the pool , find them in the skimmer and are under the deck. We fish out the pollywogs with the net and also the eggs before they can hatch. A few hang around and my grandson would swim with them.
  • Bob Isbell Bob Isbell on Jul 25, 2014
    OMG, I hate them little sum b#$%#es. Tree frogs and more tree frogs every night. Seems like it don't matter how much chlorine i have in the water either.
  • Debbie Debbie on Sep 20, 2016
    What do you do with tree frogs that think they own your porch, car and everything else in the yard or on the deck? Help.... They try to jump on me too, WE live in Savannah GA.
  • Mary Mary on Apr 29, 2017

    Frogs eat bugs - kill the frogs - the bugs eat you. Keep chlorine in your pool and the swimming frogs will go die.

  • Carey Carey on Apr 29, 2017

    I agree with Mary. I would much prefer frogs to bugs and if there are no bugs to eat the frogs will go where there are bugs. As for the noise, I can attest to the fact that you eventually get used to the noise and sleep through it although there is always a period of time before that happens. We moved from the country where it was pretty silent to town next to a railroad track. It took a while, but we did sleep through the new noise eventually. Then we moved into a small town where a huge fan at a grain elevator kept me awake for it seemed forever. I wished with all my heart that they would turn off that fan. Not possible since that is to prevent the grain dust from exploding. The ventilation is essential. Now I sleep through it and never notice it at all. One day when I was visiting my daughter, we were watching TV when she suddenly said, "Look!" we looked down that there were a whole bunch of little brown frogs that were hopping across the living room carpet. The sliding door had been left open! We quickly gathered them all up and put them outside again and after that we kept that door closed! LOL now it is a fun memory!

  • Barbara Baldwin Barbara Baldwin on Dec 08, 2017

    Nah, Carey, they don't care about other living creatures. Just their own comfort...can't wait for the next round of questions: mosquitoes are eating me alive! Or: help! Bugs are eating my flowers! Moths have taken over! Help!

  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 12, 2023

    Some sort of cover would keep them out.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 14, 2023

    That is going to be a problem as they always return to where they were sporned. It must have been a damp place before you had the pool!