Asked on Apr 20, 2018

How to get rid of what I believe to be bugle weed in my lawn!

Donna Henderson
by Donna Henderson
Currently growing under my Apple tree in my lawn and spreading!!!
  15 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Apr 20, 2018

    Broadleaf herbicide like Scotts Weed n Feed for the lawn, and Weed B Gon for other areas... keep off your flowers and shrubs.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 21, 2018

    Cut out and replace with new Turf and sell or offer or Donate the plants off. (Someone will be happy to have them..............I would love them myself.......

  • Barbra Barbra on Apr 21, 2018

    This looks like what we know as "Creeping Charley" We have it everywhere! About the only thing that seems to make much of a dent is to start early and pull!

    • Deborah Campion Deborah Campion on Apr 21, 2018

      that's what

      i though it was, too. if you want to use a chemical the only thing that works on this is..."Weed Free Zone"....weed b gone won't work. otherwise pull by hand. mowing it will spread it to the rest of the yard.

  • Mrobinsonpaquette Mrobinsonpaquette on Apr 21, 2018

    It looks like Ajuga to me. The amount of plants in your photo would cost $100+ at a nursery here in Pennsylvania! This is a very desirable ground cover plant - please don't use chemicals to destroy it! If you REALLY want to be rid of it, dig it out, and offer to other home owners!

    • See 1 previous
    • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Apr 24, 2018

      Yes, it's Ajuga, and I have a bed of it that I love, and it was expensive! Offer it to someone who is willing to dig it up or if you really have to get rid of it, just spray with vinegar and water. A safe and sure way to eradicate it.

  • Linda J Baratta Linda J Baratta on Apr 21, 2018

    I also think it looks like Amiga. Take a piece to a nursery for identification before damaging it.

  • Luvflowers Luvflowers on Apr 21, 2018

    Bugleweed and ajuga are the same plant. Most plants are known by many different names. Bugleweed is a medicinal herb used to stem the blood flow from cuts or in a tea for respiratory ailments. I have them growing under my magnolia trees, so hard to get anything to grow there. Right now they are blooming bright bluish purple stalks. I love them, but to each his own. They can take over an area if they really like the spot. I have them in a place next to my fence where if I don’t keep an eye on it can get out of control. It loves to keep spreading. In some areas I can’t get it to spread. If you don’t like them, dig them out. If you must use herbicide, use it sparingly. It’s your garden, make it how you like it.

  • DORLIS DORLIS on Apr 21, 2018

    It is in the mint family and spreads not only by seed but by runners. you have to dig below the roots and get them all and give away or bag up and dispose of it. I DO NOT USE HERBICIDES, they cause too many problems. if you feel you have to use something, try vinegar but spray only on the bugle weed, it will kill anything it touches, changes the PH of the soil.

    • Vickie Vickie on May 02, 2022

      Thank you I have lemon balm in my yard also smelled it to day and smell like some tea I use but didn't want to take a change in drying it until I knew. Its taking over my place want to control it not get rid of all of it

  • Connie Connie on Apr 23, 2018

    Personally I adore ajuga, and wish I had more of it. Dig it up and donate it to a friend. The heat kills off my ajuga when it is in the hot sun. I likes a little shade better. Please don't use herbicide.

  • Pam Lewandowski Pam Lewandowski on Apr 24, 2018

    We planted those under our big oak tree once before. YES, to remove, dig them up. They small thin roots that easily come up. During the summer they produce a beautiful purple bloom.


    Offer it to friends free for the gentle diggin. I love it as free ground cover but don’t call it “weed” call it Adjugar. I also have Bishops weed which I love.

  • Mark Dabagger Mark Dabagger on Dec 31, 2018

    The question isn't getting rid of it, it's replacing it. Like Aruja, your "lawn" is a non-native weed. Aruja is better than a turf grass lawn, because once a year, in early spring, the purple blooms will be visited by bees. Your lawn is an ecological desert all year round. Also, you don't have to mow aruja.

    However, if you are interested in luring birds and beneficial insects to your property, you would be better off digging out this aruja, and replacing it with shade-tolerant sedges or other native groundcover. is a great resource.

    Good luck, and remember that when you are landscaping, you should really take account of what your landscaping is giving to wildlife.

    • Vickie Vickie on May 02, 2022

      Does it take over grass or do you have to get rid of that

  • Arlene Foster Arlene Foster on Aug 18, 2020

    I have so many and need to get rid of them I live in nova scotia canada

  • Kathleen Church Kathleen Church on May 02, 2021

    Is it sticky and kinda fuzzy ? Anything like that get rid of it. Because it will stick to you and your animals fur. And some have little stickers poking out. Makes you feel like you got stung by a bee. Ouch !

  • Vickie Vickie on May 02, 2022

    Thanks for all your help I am going to move it its pretty