How do I make a DIY poison ivy killer?

by Mark

Does anybody have a natural Poison Ivy killer recipe?

  5 answers
  • There are all sorts of commercial applications. Any hardware, home improvement store or nursery will have several to choose from.

    What I do with my girlfriend is suit up, cut it all down, bag and tag for the refuse haulers, then drown the area repeatedly with vinegar or agricultural strength vinegar. Must be repeated after every rain event.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jul 23, 2019

    Hi Mark,

    Before you begin this, please check to see if your hauler accepts PI vines, some do not, so if not you'll have to find a way to dispose of it.

    You will need to cover yourself from head to toe and put on a face mask, the kind you can but at diy stores so any juices do not enter your mouth/nose... be sure to wear gloves that will not rip or tear. Grab onto the PI and pull out all you can, then spray, dowse the area with white vinegar. Please bag up this stuff and never burn it. And, if it rains, repeat after each event.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Jul 23, 2019

    It is the one thing I use a commercial killer just for poison ivy. Generally I use white vinegar and salt mixture to kill unwanted vegetation.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Jul 23, 2019

    Cut at the base and apply this mixture:

    2 cups white vinegar

    ¼ cup salt

    Squirt of dawn

    Then you can remove vines once they have wilted. Wear protective clothing because it can still produce a rash after dead.

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Aug 01, 2023

    3 cups white vinegar

    1/2 cup table salt

    1 tablespoon liquid detergent or soap (I use Dawn) for stick-to-itiveness.


    1. Mix vinegar and salt until the salt is completely dissolved. Stir in liquid dish soap, and pour into a spray bottle.
    2. Spray onto the green growing leaves of the plants.
    3. Wait a week, then repeat on any survivors. Best time to apply: during a dry spell.

    Repeat as necessary.