What is a good ant killer?

RE Etter
by RE Etter
  9 answers
  • Maureen Maureen on Jun 22, 2017

    Pour boiling water on the ant hill.

  • Judy Judy on Jun 22, 2017

    boiling water on the hill

  • Shari Waldron Shari Waldron on Jun 22, 2017

    Mixing Borax and sugar have worked for me. Mix equal parts in a bowl, set the bowl in the path of the ants, the ants take the borax/sugar combination back to the nest and they die.

  • For fire ants noting beats Amdro. One grain fed to the Queen kills the entire colony.

  • Carole Triplett Brooks Carole Triplett Brooks on Jun 22, 2017

    TERRO liquid ant killer has been the best I have used. The active ingredient in the TERRO ant baits is a sweetened liquid borax that is consumed by the ants, which is specifically designed to kill the worker ant within two or three days. This delayed release of the poison gives the ants enough time to share the bait with the rest of the unsuspecting colony. The enclosed liquid in the bait prevent the bait from drying out, so any unsuspecting foraging ant has a continuous supply of liquid, day and night.

    TERRO Ant baits give you a “no mess, no fuss” approach to pest extermination. Each individual pre-packaged bait in the 6-pack is ready for you to use and you do not have to worry about handling or smelling any chemicals.

    Simply place the liquid ant bait stations where ants gather and soon enough your home will be ant-free.

    If you have a large infestation, place the bait stations all around your home where ants try to infiltrate. Replace the bait stations every three months to keep the ants from planning another attack on your home.

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Jun 22, 2017

    borax and sugar mix ... good for any crawling thing you want to get rid of. They eat it and get poisoned and they track it back to the den and the borax will wipe out the entire colony eventually. Just don't put it where children or pets can get to it, nor where food might touch it (like if you have it on the the back edge of the counters along the wall, make your sandwich on the plate and not just lay the bread on the counter like --- ahem -- some folks do from time to time -- LOL ok ... me!). If you use it outside around the perimeter of your home you will have to reapply when it rains. Be patient.... as mentioned in the SFGate website on how to kill ants, "...Using homemade boric acid ant killer isn't an immediate fix for an ant problem. It's a slow-acting poison, and each ant that takes it back to the colony shares it with only a few other ants. It might take a while for the poison to reach the queens, which can effectively kill the colony. It should take only a few days for you to notice a reduction in the number of ants near the bait, but it could take three to four weeks to completely eradicate the colony causing your problems. ..." OH--- HERE'S THE RECIPE >>> about 1 teaspoon of borax to 1/2 cup of sugar .... you can use spoon to lightly tap a "dusting" of it along the perimeter of cabinet / counter walls, or get a rubber duster bulb to blow it under dishwashers or hard to reach spaces. Good Luck and thanks for asking Hometalk for help.

  • Barbara Jacquemotte Barbara Jacquemotte on Jun 22, 2017

    I sprinkle uncooked oatmeal and in 2 days no more ants. The workers take food to queen when she eats the oatmeal it gets wet swells and she dies and the nest or hill is gone.

  • Vinegar is my go to, but others have suggested cornmeal.

  • Karen Durante Karen Durante on Jun 22, 2017

    Someone here shared with me Terro. I purchased the liquid and seems to be working!