What is the best way to keep weeds out of your vegetable garden?

by Kris
  3 answers
  • Weed every day. Smother with newspaper, cardboard or landscape fabric, then mulch. Change planting method. Before next spring, research alternative methods of planting to do less weeding throughout the growing season. See if these help!




  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 17, 2018

    I weed my garden really well in the spring. Once it is planted and seeded in each area, I put down Preen Weed Preventer. It keeps the weed seeds from germinating really well. You will still have to deal with the root born weeds like creeping Charlie, and some grasses and tree seeds. I spend about five minutes a week weeding and that is pulling baby trees and the creeping plants around the edges of the garden. I hope this helps!

  • Thelma Thelma on Jul 17, 2018

    I'm 72-yrs-old and my hubby is 77-yrs-old; over the years we have practiced these methods of keeping weeds out of our large gardens: 1. Always till the garden in the fall after the killing frosts have started. This turns the weed seeds up to the frost and kills them so they can't germinate the next spring. 2. In the early spring, just as soon as the grass/weeds starts to grow, pull them out of the garden. Yes, I said pull them; you don't want to disturb the soil and let the light get to the seeds that are still covered so don't hoe them. As you pull them, put them in a 5-gallon bucket and feed to your chickens if you have any. If no livestock, dispose of the weeds by starting a compost pile. 3. When planting the garden, whether with seeds or plants, disturb the soil as little as possible. 4. As soon as the planting is done, if seeds are planted, lay round, black, soaker hoses about 2" from the actual rows of seeds, and cover everything except the exact rows of seeds with about 3" of straw. Do the same with the hoses and straw around all plants. The straw and watering system will keep the weeds from coming and any that does manage to come through can be easily pulled. Good Luck!