How do I get rid of wild violets?

by Donna

Please help, I need to know how to get rid of wild violets. We have them all over our 2 acre lot. They are now invading the flower beds. I have to get them out of many areas where they have taken over. I have pulled them out and I have dug them out, yet they still are multiplying. I put the plants I took out under tall trees where no grass grows any more. Any suggestions for removing them from flower beds and choking out other plants?

  4 answers
  • Barb Barb on Jun 22, 2018

    Keep pulling/weeding them. Mulch and cover them with newspapers layers and/or landscape fabric. They are beautiful but also highly invasive aren't they!?

    • Donna Donna on Jun 22, 2018

      Thank you! I will try that. I love them, especially in bloom but they are choking out other plants. I appreciate your help.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 22, 2018

    Due to their fleshy, energy storing roots, any non-selective herbicide you use must be systemic. Glyphosate (Roundup®) will work but may take 2-3 applications a few weeks apart. Non-selective herbicides will also kill any plant they contact, including grass, so protect surrounding areas with a shield of cardboard or use a brush to apply only to the violets.

    Selective broadleaf weed herbicides must list wild violet on the label to be effective. Bonide Chickweed Clover& Oxalis Killer is an option, or a product containing dicamba and triclopyr, but again it may take several applications to completely eradicate established plants.

    Non-selective herbicides will work, including Roundup and organic herbicides, but it takes repeated treatment to gain control as the roots can be difficult to kill.

    After the existing plants in your lawn are controlled, you will need to use a pre-emergent herbicide in spring & fall to prevent the many seeds the violets have already spread from sprouting. Further suppression is gained by maintaining a thick, healthy lawn that prevents weeds from becoming established.

    • Donna Donna on Jun 22, 2018

      Very informative! Thank you! So these violets are considered weeds? I didn`t realize that. I love Queen Anne`s Lace, too, and my friend tells me every day there are huge weeds in my flower bed......the Queen Anne`s Lace. I enjoy it anyway. Thanks, again.

  • Smother them with newspaper, cardboard or landscape fabric then cover with mulch. No sun = no grow.

    • See 1 previous
    • You are most welcome! Yes, it is easy. Another method would be to use vinegar for areas other than your flower beds. There are a lot of misconceptions concerning vinegar. It all depends upon the strength of the vinegar (plain white table vinegar is 5% acidity), and is water soluble. It will kill anything it touches, but the ground recovers quickly, which means repeated applications may be required. I use it under my bird feeders, and within a week weeds are growing again. If agricultural strength, (20% - 30% acidity), then yes, the ground would require serious compost for the area to be replanted. Boiling water is another option. Doing a couple acres in boiling water is not really feasible. In a flower bed smothering would be best so as not to harm the plants you do want to keep. While wild violets are beautiful, they can be invasive - nature works in mysterious ways!

      Ah a keeshond! Absolutely beautiful dogs with such loving personalities and very smart! I feel you loss. 🤗

      Keep us posted! 🌞

  • Bellow Bellow on Jul 01, 2021

    For weeds in clumps like Wild Violet, Lily of the Valley or moss on paving stone:

    1 cup bleach,

    1 table spoon liquid dish soap

    4 cups warm water.

    I use a dollar store pump action sprayer

    Everything you spray will be dead within 12 hours.

    Environmentally better than chemical weed killers as the chlorine breaks down in sun in a few hours.