What kind of paint should I use to paint exterior shutters with?

by Nikki
I have white shutters on my brick house< I want to paint them black. I have no idea how to take them down to paint them so I assume using a brush and paint will be best. But I have read that when painting shutters light to dark the paint won't last does anyone know if this is true? Can I even paint them is the biggest question and will it last if I do? Thank you

  18 answers
  • A A on Jul 19, 2017

    Wash and wire brush them before painting. Use a good primer and exterior paint.

  • Jason Walker Jason Walker on Jul 19, 2017

    exterior paint sherwin Williams.

    • Nikki Nikki on Jul 19, 2017

      Any exterior paint from Sherwin Williams? I was sold some of the valspar project perfect latex enamel yesterday they told me it was the 2nd best from the sherwin williams brand but the sherwin Williams only came in gallon size and I wouldn't need that much.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jul 19, 2017

    You must clean the shutters first,allow to dry,Use a outdoor paint for what the shutters are made out of.Use a sponge brush for even painting.Once the shutters are dry seal with an exterior clear sealer with a UV protectant.

    • Nikki Nikki on Jul 19, 2017

      i am not sure what to seal them with, I was sold the valspar project perfect paint which is latex enamel exterior/ interior paint and I know there are several things going around about using latex over oil and I'm not sure what these shutters were painted with before I moved here. And also what type of sealer I would use over this enamel based paint. I'm nervous and now wondering if I should hire a professional but I was hoping to save the money on this to put towards all of the other things I have found that need repaired here that I can not do myself 😥

  • Lyn15291588 Lyn15291588 on Jul 19, 2017

    After cleaning and prepping use outdoor rustoleum spray paint. I did my shutters 3 years ago the same way and the still look new.

    • Nikki Nikki on Jul 20, 2017

      I wanted to spray paint them it just seems it would last longer but I have no way of taking them down and putting them back up and I don't want to get paint on my brick or windows.

  • Claire Amirault Claire Amirault on Jul 19, 2017

    i would definitely try a good spray paint . Buy an inexpensive, large drop cloth, clean the shutters, then lay them on the ground and spray them according to directions on the can. Black will cover the white nicely, but you may need two coats. Good luck!

  • Nikki Nikki on Jul 19, 2017

    I'm curious , Did you go from light colored shutters to darker colored?

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jul 19, 2017

    relax,what do you think the shutters are made of?

    • Nikki Nikki on Jul 20, 2017

      I believe they are aluminum I know they are some type of metal not vinyl, and they are white now I assume painted white or bought that way, they are in good condition I just liked the look of the black shutters. I'd hate to paint them and the paint not hold up.

  • Hip26628594 Hip26628594 on Jul 20, 2017

    Light color shutter

  • Hip26628594 Hip26628594 on Jul 20, 2017

    . If the shutters were originally a light color you do not want to go dark - it will cause your shutters to warp. I also work paint department at Lowe's. Dark to light is fine. Painting will hold up longer and not fade as fast as it would with spray paint. Valspar Duramax or Reserve is awesome.

    • Nikki Nikki on Jul 20, 2017

      My shutters are made of aluminum I believe they aren't wood or plastic/vinyl I'm not sure if that makes any difference or not, Also they are in great shape and are white I just wanted to paint them black for the look, but if its not gonna hold up I will just leave them white.

  • Claire Amirault Claire Amirault on Jul 20, 2017

    you need help with that project, as they are usually quite heavy. Maybe a local person looking for odd jobs. Do you have a vocational school in your area? Sometimes they have students who are looking for this type of job and will charge a minimal amount.Even your local hardware store may have employees who are looking for odd jobs.

  • Lyn15291588 Lyn15291588 on Jul 20, 2017

    There should be screws attaching to the brick somewhere.

  • They shouldn't be difficult to take down. Look for screws. Once they are down, scrape, sand off any loose paint and prime. Use a quality outdoor paint.

  • Betsy Betsy on Oct 04, 2023

    Hi Nikki: I left mine up while I painted them. I just put some cardboard behind them so that the paint wouldn't get on the bricks. Depending on the type of material, I'd use Rustoleum paint. You can get it for plastic or wood. If you get the spray type, spray on a non-windy day so it doesn't migrate to your bricks. What I used was a brush and can of paint, not spray, and it came out great.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Oct 05, 2023

    They are most likely screwed in place and easy to take down once the screws are located. Once down, wash, sand or scrape, prime with Kilz and then paint by spraying or brush using a good quality exterior paint.

  • Dee Dee on Oct 05, 2023

    I would use Armorall car wash cleaner on the shutters first. Let them dry completely. If you can slip cardboard behind them do so, will keep the paint off the house. I would use a spray on primer. Are our shutters, wood, vinyl, or plastic? f paint is peeling or bubbling, sanding and repainting may be all that's needed. However, if there is extensive damage that makes them weak or flimsy, they should be replaced.There should be some steel screws that you can take off to remove for painting.

    Black or dark colors, like cobalt, can really make the shutters pop and dress up your home's exterior. Light-colored shutters that are only a few shades darker than the rest of your home create a seamless, classic look for a more traditional home.

  • Deb K Deb K on Oct 05, 2023

    Hi Nikki, hope this helps you out. If they are vinyl, then latex exterior is the best bet, for wood oil-based paints are the most durable for exterior use. They dry to a more durable finish, adhere better to wood surfaces, and are less vulnerable to being stained by the wood underneath. Oil-based paints should be used with oil-based primers. As a general rule , darker colors need more coats to cover properly.

  • Janice Janice on Oct 16, 2023

    If your shutters are aluminum the white color may have been baked on originally. They are still able to be painted. It would be best to remove them but if that's not possible for you, you can still use spray paint by using a plastic drop cloth behind and surrounding the shutters, then spray with Rustoleum spray paint for metal. You can get it in many different colors. Choose a very still day. Since you're receiving lots of varying info, I'd go to one of the big home improvement stores or a hardware store and ask a knowledgeable person there for advice. If you take a some very closeup picture they may be able to tell you how the shutters are attached to the house and advise you about removing.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 17, 2023

    You could use unsercoat for material being painted eg: metal or wood and then use correct top coat.