How do I fill the gap between IKEA cabinets?

by VJ

Hi I need suggestions for the cabinets I built. Did some IKEA cabinets However after installing there is some space left around the closets, Ideally I would want them to be closed with similar material. Any suggestions for the same ? Pics below:

  9 answers
  • I would look for some sort of 'cabinet filler', you may be able to find at a hardware store.


    I have used 2 way tape for storage drawers on my desk. If the gap isn't too great. Works fine and really holds the frame in place even when loaded with paper.

  • William William on Dec 20, 2018

    Thin wood filler strips and paint the same color of the cabinets.

  • Julies1949 Julies1949 on Dec 20, 2018

    Ikea sells filler strips to match all their cabinets.

  • Mainiebets Mainiebets on Dec 21, 2018

    Hey there!

    I have a question...are the cabinets just placed or ate they secured to the back wall? The reason I ask is if they ate not sevured you can tighten them up by using plate brackets. These will secure the cabinets one to the other essentially making them one unit.

    Good luck!

  • Rhonda Rhonda on Dec 21, 2018

    Build a 2x4 frame, or smaller if needed, set back in then, apply molding around.

    • VJ VJ on Dec 23, 2018

      Can you pls provide more details about the frame ? H

      ow/where to get it and build it ?And which molding. Thanks

  • Kristina McGivern Kristina McGivern on Dec 21, 2018

    We have just started installing our Ikea cabinets. Very happy with the construction of them. We used the rails to hang them. Cupboards that are beside each other need to be screwed together. In areas where there is a space to allow a door to open we ordered a filler piece. It comes in a 4x8 board the color of your cabinets. You need to cut it to size. The staff in the kitchen planning area are super helpful.

    • VJ VJ on Dec 26, 2018

      Do you have a url of the filler piece?

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Dec 22, 2018

    For the end cabinate you can buy end panels, these will butt upto the wall.

  • Heje Heje on Jan 07, 2019

    Remove the baseboard molding to get them closer to the wall and use molding to hide the gaps. To get the cabinets closer together, remove the doors, clamp and use screws to hold them together. Good luck on whatever you do that works for you.