Remedy for ceiling that was poorly painted with sand paint

Janet Eaton
by Janet Eaton
Apparently the previous owners used sand paint to cover some ceiling damage caused by removing a closet or something . The paint is blobby in this area , it’s just ugly and needs some help. I’m not sure what to do with it . Add more sand paint , use texture paint .. just repaint it ,maybe a darker color ? It’s two shades of white now . Need inexpensive ideas, thank you .

  12 answers
  • Tae Tae on May 01, 2018

    My advice would be to texture the entire ceiling then paint it all one color

    • Janet Eaton Janet Eaton on May 01, 2018

      That may be what I have to do , but I’ll look into other options as well . Thanks

  • Janice Janice on May 01, 2018

    I would try scraping as much of the sand off, especially if you don't like the look of it. Maybe try sanding it lightly after scraping and then repaint the entire ceiling using a good ceiling paint for long-lasting solution. Good Luck!

    • Janet Eaton Janet Eaton on May 01, 2018

      Thanks, I’ll have to see if the sand comes off at all . I have a bathroom ceiling that the previous owners wall papered , ugh ..had to sand that , it needs more work .. what were they thinking ? Lol

  • Janice Janice on May 02, 2018

    They were'n't thinking! Many people do not think any further ahead than the next month or so (sadly). :( We once moved into a house and the previous owners had painted the bathroom with sand in the paint. You don't realize how many times you touch the walls while reaching for a towel, etc. until you've had sand painted walls! It took lots of work and elbow grease but we finally got it removed. I located some info on the internet that may help you. The internet wasn't yet available when we discovered our "lovely sand painted" walls decades ago.

  • Betsy Betsy on Dec 10, 2023

    Hi Janet: Have you tried sanding the area? Put a piece of sandpaper around a block of wood and sand lightly. Or, you may be able to put a thin coat of spackling on the area, but I'd try the sanding first. Then, apply your paint, even if it's sand paint. If you want to do the entire ceiling, you can remove the sanding effect by using 60 grit sandpaper and sanding the entire ceiling, then repaint.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 10, 2023

    How about drywalling the ceiling and be done with it?

  • Dee Dee on Dec 10, 2023

    Home Depot and Lowes sell a texture in a spray can called Homax. You can spray in several different ways, thick, thin etc. I used it to cover a crack and it worked great after using DAP.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 19, 2024

    Could you make a feature out of it? eg: Put beading or moulding around the whole ceiling using the damaged area as a starting point. That way you will hide it in full sight, but at the same time deflect the eye.

  • Dee Dee on Jan 20, 2024

    Is the rest of the ceiling flat? If so you will need to sand. If not Homax makes a ceiling spray texture. You can get it at Home Depot of Lowes. Has several nozzle sizes to meet your needs. Then you can just paint the cieling the color that you need.

  • Texture paint may even out the surface for you.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 22, 2024

    Sand the Lines and use a pole sander to make it easier then clean the dust from ceiling with a damp rag, after cleaned use crown smart paint or dulux magic paint the goes on pink and dries white then you can see areas that has been missed when its pink.

  • Hi! You can watch this video for more information regarding your concern. Hope this helps!