How do I repair wooden tray tables?
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I have a set of these wooden TV trays...they are wobbly at the spot where the legs criss-cross, and the "bolt" is the non-removable kind that cannot be tightened.....what are these strange bolts called, and how can they be removed? I would rather replace them with standard bolt/nut sets.
I have them same question but nobody is answering it!!!
Those bolt thingys are called rivets. They allow the legs to move in order for them to hold the table part. Depending on just how loose it is, you may be able to strengthen the rivet by using a ball peen hammer (round end) and work it from middle to sides.
If you choose to use a bolt, you will have to cut off the rivet with a hacksaw and metal cutting blade. Be aware of the type bolt as it needs to be smooth for the wood to move and the nut may get in the way of leg movement
I just recently bought the same thing at a yard sale and they are all super wobbly. My husband said that the little pins need to be cut off and replaced with new ones. We have not trued it yet as I am not sure that it will work but I am going to try. I have already tightened all the screws but as most of you know they have no part in the leg area.
I’m THINKING adding a firm brace across the lower part of the legs would add stability.
Of course, you wouldn’t be able to fold the table flat anymore, but mine stays up beside the couch where my Mother sits all the time, anyway.
I am definitely not mechanical but wonder if you can use a few of those little C-shaped washers, that can slide around the non-removable rivet, then push in to lock in place like spacers
The problem seems to be the horizontal bar at the bottom that connect the two legs. I drilled a screw on each side and ta-da! It’s not wobbly anymore!!!
Try putting the screws on the sides off the bottom and top that goes across. Mine has no rivets. Predrill, and use a 2in. screw at least, maybe 2.5"in. If you replace rivets with bolts you would need smooth bolts and probably 3 spacers/washers or 2 not counting flat head of bolt.