Can I use WD-40 to remove a ring that is stuck?
While sleeping, I fell out of bed. A Contigo 18-20 oz insulated travel mug was knocked off my night stand and landed, bottom-edge down, on my left-ring. The ring it landed on was severely bent, knocking the amethyst out. My simple, white-gold band wasn't damaged but my finger certainly was. I cut my silver ring off but my wedding band is still on my swollen, and very painful finger. WD-40 is a last hope before I will have to have it cut off. I truly DO NOT want my wedding ring that I have worn just weeks shy of our 45th Wedding Anniversary.Thank you.
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Try some baby oil instead if WD 40 or soak your finger in cold water and squirt some dish soap around the ring and then try sliding it off. If you do end up cutting your ring off it can be repaired at any jewelry store. Good Luck!
Hello there, Spray WD-40 on to your finger and let it seep under the ring If you wish to see ring removal demonstrated look it up on pinterest, someone there uses wool wound her finger too. If you have Insurance, Claim for accidental damage etc.
good luck. My sister in law had this problem and had her ring cut off by a jeweller and had it made whole again with no sign of ever being damaged. Hope that helps a bit.
Wow! I have never slept that hard ever in my life. Your suggestions here are excellent. I would get your hand in ice immediately and hold higher than your heart. High tail it over to your local emergency room or urgent care and have it cut off immediately. You can repair your rings, but losing your finger and resulting nerve damage to your hand is far worse. Do not wait and fiddle around with home remedies. Common sense prevails here . . .
Hi, Elizabeth!
Vaseline may work, as well, to remove the ring. Hope it heals quickly!
Have you had the finger looked at? If it is swelling that much you may need medical attention.
Can you post how you managed to remedy the swollen finger/ring problem? It might help others! Thanks!
I have heard of wrapping dental floss around the swollen space of that finger and taking the ring off over the floss.
This is something to be done at home, go to Urgent care or the ER.
Before trying WD40, try Washing up liquid on your finger. It should slip off. If you have difficulty removing it, most jewellers will do it for you without charge, (They Cut it off with a special machine. Hospitals can also do it if it is starting to make your finger swell.