How to widen my front steps without doing a total demo and rebuild?

by Reelgirl
  7 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 28, 2018

    Here are a few ideas: larger welcome mat turned sideways for back step; larger planters and plants in the back; small cut-down rug for front step; paint the steps a bright color or pattern; paint the screen door a different color (I love that door!); paint the mailbox and larger house numbers; use a wreath hanger or twine to hang a lightweight wreath on your screen door; get brighter plants; place 2-4 solar lights near the plants and more going up your walk. Best wishes ☺️

  • Carol Carol on Mar 28, 2018

    Maybe I misunderstood, but my immediate reaction was to move the plants away from the door. But I'm only seeing a very small section of what is going on in that space. If you have more room along the walls, go to Home Depot/Lowe's/Walmart and buy large square concrete blocks that can stack up even with either side of your main porch and the steps. Maybe 16 x 16 x 2" thick. (or whatever fits) Then only use one of those huge pots on both sides or replace with something smaller in scale that doesn't close in or overwhelm your front door. OR still utilizing what you already have, just use one for each side, but put in a taller, thinner plant that brings your eye up. Use a small trellis for a clematis or climbing rose for example. Move evenly away from the door to enhance, but give the look of widening your door. If you want to use all four pots, then stagger one at a lower level and further from the door on each side. Dang I can picture it, but probably not that great at explaining it. Have fun!

  • Lamar Havard Lamar Havard on Mar 29, 2018

    Yep, I think Carol has the idea. Get those solid concrete bricks, the same size as red bricks, and enough bagged mortar to put two or three wide on each side of the steps in the same shape, mortar them together and to the steps and cover the whole thing with cement or stucco. The hardware person will know what to sell you if you show him/her photos of the steps.

  • Lynn Lynn on Mar 29, 2018

    Build a small deck that extends off each side

  • Wendy Wendy on Mar 29, 2018

    You can use pallets to create a faux deck look:

    comment photo
  • Barb Adams Barb Adams on Mar 29, 2018

    If you want to make the additions concrete, you can frame upextenstions, drill holes in the sides of existing slab, glue in metal rods that extend into new slab, coat sides with bonding agent, pour extensions. There is a discussion here:

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Feb 01, 2021

    Hello Reelgirl,

    Build a wall against your steps either side that would give you extra 2.5" either side and finish the steps off nicely. or you could build out end on and get an even bigger step. If you don't want to do that, you could use Clinker Blocks concreted in.