Toilet Paper Roll Grinch

We worked on a Grinch craft this weekend. I really wanted to take good step by step pictures with the kids. BUT sometimes you just need to enjoy your time and put the camera away. Once the kids went to bed I took the step by step pictures.
We painted our toilet paper rolls green first. We only needed to paint one coat, and let dry 20 minutes before adding our face.
I just free handed the Grinch's eyes and made the center red. I've seen a couple different looks for the Grinch's eyes. In the carton he has the yellow eyes.
Bend the tip of the hat to the side just like the Grinch, and hot glue your cotton balls on! With the hot glue gun your going to need to help your little ones. I had my 6 year old do his with no problem, but did the 3 year olds hat myself.
To finish off our Grinch, we painted in the eye brows, nose and mouth. I thought the Grinch needed something "extra" so I added a little red cardstock to the bottom and some more cotton balls for Santas jacket!! Looks super cute, don't ya think?
Crafts by Courtney
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  • CRank CRank on Dec 10, 2016
    My kindergarteners did a fabulous job on these last year
  • Tink Tink on Dec 14, 2018

    Loved this idea. This will contain a gift to my granddaughter as we have a fun history with the grinch and this should definitely evoke a laugh. I made mine with a large sized Panko can, green felt, yellow construction paper, a black marker, cotton batting and the small cap was the one she wore years ago as a baby.

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