Small Brick Kitchen for Traditional, Wooden Croatian House.

Pavle Loncar
by Pavle Loncar
3 Materials
My name is Pavle Loncar. My family in Zagreb wanted to improve our beautiful, traditional, wooden house located on our property. House was built in 1841 and was preserved in past with original construction and some improvements.
Kitchen was primitive in that time so small kitchen element has been added in past. By my opinion it needed something new but built traditionally, not modern or fancy.
I used old bricks removed from demolished barn, with Ikea wooden counter, sink and electric plate.
Real challenge was to incorporate counter for dining as there was not enough space for table with chairs.
Traditional Croatian wooden house in Zagreb, built in 1841 and preserved in original construction.
Existing kitchen element.
Idea was to make small kitchen from old bricks, together with counter for dining due to small space. Also, floor would need new tiles.
First time I worked with bricks so it was a challenge.
Help from my daughter Antonela.
Arch is done, now to incorporate base for sink and electric plate.
Brick work is done.
Sink and plate in place with Ikea kitchen counter.
Start with floor tiling.
Lot's of tile cutting.
Finalised, with all details.
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3 of 7 questions
  • Randal Randal on Mar 03, 2018

    Great job, just one question I am thinking that the bricks are pretty heavy, did you have to support the bottom of the floor at all?

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Mar 03, 2018

    BEAUTIFUL!! But do you have any concerns with the electric burners so close to the sink? it reminds me of a unit I saw in a salvage yard here in Virginia in 2016

    comment photo
  • Mcgypsy9 Mcgypsy9 on Jun 14, 2018

    Pavle this is now 3 1/2 years later, have you done any more to the house? This is adorable! Love the house very much!

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  • Janie Goodrich Janie Goodrich on Apr 09, 2018

    You did a beautiful job, I love it😊

  • Sibyl Daniels Sibyl Daniels on Apr 26, 2018

    The job you did was outstanding and the outside reminded me of something out of a fairy tale. You are so lucky to own the cottage and are preserving it. By the way, your daughter is beautiful.
