Painting Wood Blinds!

2 Days
Oh yes we did! I started a ginormous DIY project in our old house and promised The Husband I'd do it on a shoestring budget.As you know necessity is the mother of either invention or stupid ideas! :)
Either way, painting our wood blinds was one of the ways I got a big bang for our buck! This project isn't hard it's just takes time-so if you have more time than money and want to update your windows...this may work for you!
These windows are floor to ceiling & when I remodeled the den using a light and airy design the dark wood blinds didn't work. My remodel budget was next to nothing so I had to do something drastic! I repainted those dark blinds!
To take out the slats you simply remove the knot at the bottom of the blinds that hold the slats together. Then slip string out...the string runs through every slat from top to bottom (each slat has 2 ) Now, remove the slats.
We set up a table with all the slats lined up-painted one side-let dry-paint other side. When dry, thread the slats into their "hammocks" & thread the strings back through the slits in the slats and tie off at the bottom!
Big bang for our buck! We have since moved but still own that house and those blinds are still up and look as good as they did the first day we painted them!
All Things Heart and Home
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Susie Susie on Feb 07, 2019

    can vinyl blinds be painted

  • Kathie Ingram Kathie Ingram on Jun 10, 2019

    What kind of paint did you use?

  • Mac2192853 Mac2192853 on Jan 21, 2021

    Fantastic Idea! For dark brown wooden blinds how do you change the colour of the strings? I want to paint the slats white.

    Thank you

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