4th of July Silverware

35 Minutes
Decorating for the 4th of July is one of my favorite things to do! It's an easy holiday to collect décor for and it's even easy to make some yourself. This easy DIY requires a few acrylic crafts paints and some old silverware.
Get some assorted colors for the 4th plus, brown and my favorite, glamour dust! Start by painting the tines of your fork red and white, starting with red on top. Next paint the base of the fork blue. Allow to dry completely. Please note these projects are for decoration only, not for food consumption!
Use the skinny tip of your paint brush and make some white dots on the blue for stars. With a very small tip brush drag the white paint to points for a five point star. You might want to practice on paper first and go one at a time so the paint doesn't set before you pull the points out. Allow to dry completely.
To age the flag, water down some brown paint and with a small soft brush glaze over the flag. Allow to dry. I like to finish with Glamour Dust for a little sparkle.
These look precious stuck in a potted plant or laid around the house in little vignettes. I have the full watermelon tutorial on the blog as well (link at the bottom). If you happen to have pets you will LOVE this makeover project....it all started with an old book and a bowl...
Be sure to follow me on Facebook for other fun DIY makeovers and upcycles projects!
Salvaged Living: Decorating & DIY
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 1 comment
  • Gig69451122 Gig69451122 3 hours ago

    So cute ❤️ You suggested " old silverware"? That would be hard to find something shaped like a shovel. I found a cute set of 4 metal ones @ TEMU. A spade/2 shovel/old time rake. Less then 5.00!
