What are best options to refinish brick fireplace with wood surround?

by Sharon
TV is in the opening now but I want to hang it on the wall over fireplace. All the woodwork is white.
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 05, 2017


  • Bijous Bijous on Oct 05, 2017

    If you think the brick is too red, you can always water down latex paint (I like using grays on red brick). I don't paint the grout, but rather do each brick. It's more time-consuming, but it looks more natural. You can also tile over brick, or use the old-time practice of German plaster. That's taking grout and smearing over the brick. Then it's lightly wiped off. Some areas are more aggressively wiped. It's an interesting look. Good luck!

  • Andrea Eisenberg Andrea Eisenberg on Oct 05, 2017

    It depends on the look you are going for. We had a really ugly brick surround (1920s New England, US) and we covered it with really nice large rectangular tiles in grey with grey veining. We painted the inside brick with high-heat black paint. The hearth was flat and black, so that stayed the same. People really admire the fireplace when they come in.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 06, 2017

    Do it all white. White painted Fire Surround. and White washed brick hearth.

  • Barbara Reeves Brown Barbara Reeves Brown on Oct 06, 2017

    I painted mine all white-wood and bricks. Really brightened up the room.

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  • Janet Janet on Oct 06, 2017

    You can try staining it a color you want or mixed colors

  • Bobbi Lively Bobbi Lively on Oct 06, 2017

    like others said, you need to decide on the look you like. You can tile over the brick which gives you lots of choices for design options. Or you can paint the brick any color you wish. Have fun!

  • Emily Emily on Oct 07, 2017

    I am missing seeing the surround but I see a brick hearth. Our surround is also brick with grout but is so old it looks mellow. It is the white grout that looks jarring to me and yet the white fireplace that Barbara did looks fine to me. We have natural woodwork in our l.r. so original fp is fine with us, But since you want to feature the t.v. why not just make all; mantel, surround, hearth, black like the t.v.?