Asked on Mar 08, 2018

What to make from old Christmas cards?

Donna Berchoff
by Donna Berchoff
  14 answers
  • Jana Jana on Mar 08, 2018

    Oh my there are so many things!! One of the cutest I have seen is using them on brown paper bags as decoration for gift giving. You can search for - DIY old christmas cards on Pinterest and hundreds of options will come up. Have a great time!!

  • Fran Winchester Fran Winchester on Mar 08, 2018

    I cut mine up and use them for scrapbooking or to make gift tags for Christmas gifts.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Mar 08, 2018

    Children can make Christmas ornament out of them.

  • Rho32433910 Rho32433910 on Mar 08, 2018

    Here is a link to show you how to crochet around motives from old Christmas cards to produce pretty Christmas baskets. I have made small tree ornaments using the same technique. The basic principle can be used to make boxes with lids too/. I do realise there's a good chance that you don't crochet but it's the only project I have found that I liked

    to use beautiful Christmas cards that you feel dreadful putting in the recycle bin. Here's the link but there are lots of similar ideas out there. /

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Mar 08, 2018

    We used to put them on large construction paper, cover it with clear contact paper, and then use pinking shears on the edges, they make gorgeous and nostalgic place mats for the holiday. This is also a great project to do with kids/grandkids.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Mar 08, 2018

    Some senior centers also accept (and thank you) for cards to use for crafts. I save pictures I like. Sometimes I frame them for the holiday decorations. There are dozens of other ways to use them! Your imagination is the only limit (and after that Pinterest!). Here's a link:[]=used%20christmas%20cards%20what%20to%20do%20with%7Cautocomplete%7Cundefined

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Mar 08, 2018

    I have cut out parts of the picture where there is a space to write the person's name who will be receiving a gift-kinda like a to and from tag.

    Sometimes I have used the verse as a message on the name tag.

  • Teresa Lopez Teresa Lopez on Mar 08, 2018

  • Chubby58 Chubby58 on Mar 08, 2018

    Go to Type in how to make a box out of greeting cards. They have step by step with pictures and they are so cute!

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 09, 2018

    I like to use them for thank you cards for Christmas gifts. If the pretty pictures are written on the backs, I glue them to regular size ty cards, and the cards come with envelopes, too. ☺️

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Mar 09, 2018

    Glue them onto a sheet of paper and laminate into placemats. They can be wiped clean after each meal.

  • Ginny Ginny on Mar 09, 2018

    I cut mine up and made tags for next year's gifts, i.e., trees, Santa, or other pretty features. Used a hole punch and red or green yarn for tying on gifts.

  • Adrienne Knight Adrienne Knight on Mar 29, 2021

    Make orments. Cut the pictures out

  • Em Em on Jul 11, 2021

    Next year's Christmas tags. Cut out and punch in a hole add a string. Cut writing off and use the face of them for Christmas banners corner to corner on the fireplace. Make a pattern and form them into tiny gift boxes you use for gifts or hang on the tree.