How can I clean my beautiful wood cabinets?

Treena Millett
by Treena Millett
I love my wood cabinets, but it’s an old house with years and years of grime that has rarely been cleaned (rental). What is a good cleaner or technique I can use to an the yuck off? Thank you!!
  9 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jul 02, 2018

    white vinegar and water and a dab of blue dawn dish soap in a spray bottle

  • Murphy's Oil Soap is perfect! I also use Old English products. I live alone and wipe mine down on a regular basis, so easier to keep clean. Dawn dish soap and vinegar will work too. Just be gentle.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Jul 02, 2018

    Treen a, give Murphy Soap a try, but it also looks like most of the finish has worn off too. After getting them clean you could give them a good coat of paste wax. Since you are renting this would be an inexpensive fix.

  • Leah Leah on Jul 02, 2018

    I used KrudKutter and then I used furniture restore. Made them look brand new.

  • Treena Millett Treena Millett on Jul 02, 2018

    Thank you everyone, for your suggestions and taking the time to help a gal in need of guidance! You all are wonderful!

  • Leah Leah on Jul 02, 2018

    Rejuvenate. I got it from Amazon, but you can probably find it else where. If you get the KrudKutter in concentrate, follow the directions on bottle. You add water to it. You spray it on and let it set as directions state on bottle. Then you just wipe it off. After this was done, I wiped it off with a damp microfiber cloth and dried it. My cabnets got two coats of rejuvinate. After that , my rock maple end tables, chest, and dresser were done the same way. They are 45 years old, and they look great too. Hope it all works out for you. Leah

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Jul 02, 2018

    Hi Treena, for such long time built in grime I find the easiest way to clean it is with a cleaner you find at the auto shop, yes that is right. It will not hurt your cabinets. It is easiest if you remove the doors and hardware and apply it in a small area like 4 inches by 8 inches or smaller and let it soak. Then scrub it with an old toothbrush. Reapply as needed and keep letting it soak each time. It will eventually all come off. You might consider refinishing the cabinets or painting them when you are done. Here is what I use: see the photo

    comment photo
  • Ama Ama on Jul 30, 2018


    I have the same exact door handles - how did you clean those?

    I've tried blue Dawn, Awesome (from Dollar Tree) but there is so much caked on

    dirt/grease. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Aug 01, 2022

    I have several cleaning tutorials that might help you