What’s the least expensive thing I can do to update my backyard?

by Irmz
  5 answers
  • Teacup8885 Teacup8885 on Jul 15, 2018

    Planters with bushes, packet of flower seed in an old tire with soil, cement statues, some plastic flower bed fence

    comment photo
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 15, 2018

    .Hello there, Decide what you want to use it for and how you might like it to look, then go about thinking of ways you can achieve the look on your budget! Otherwise in list help from friends or family...........

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Jul 15, 2018

    Start plants from seeds, get cuttings from friends and neighbors, buy shrubs when on sale....

  • Also depends on if you're wanting to update the structure? Do you want to clear out old weeds, replace fencing, as some artsy type interest? You can add wind chimes, bird feeders, raised beds made from scrap Lumber, Lots you can do

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on Jul 19, 2018

    Start your update by thinking if you need trees. They will be a bit pricey but they take a long time to grow so get them in the ground.

    From there, start at the area you want to spend your time. Clean it up and define 1 garden bed to start. Plant perennials - they come up every year and many you can "harvest" seeds from to add to other locations.