How can I change the concrete floors in my retail space?

by Ade6709353

I have just leased a retail space for my business, which is a large "basement" space with concrete floors. My theme is "Native/Ethnic/Moroccan". What can I do to make a bigger statement?

View of space from the right

View of space from the left

  5 answers
  • Emily Emily on Sep 21, 2018

    It would probably depend on what your lease says you can do. Is the bare space on walls the result of water getting in? If so, that might limit your use next to the walls. "Native/ethnic/Moroccan" can cover a lot of types of goods. Are yours fabric or a metal/glass mixture or what? It looks like a great space and I would be excited about it. IMHO, pricing is very important, and of course display. Years ago when I had a small shop display was my favorite part of the business. And a couple of weeks ago I had a sale in my home and display played a big part in its success

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  • Karen Brunck Karen Brunck on Sep 22, 2018

    Oooh fun! I'd stencil and stain the concrete floor to look like cobblestone streets. Add booths with fantastic awnings in various fabrics and set the entire area to look like a bazaar😀

    • Mmk33865545 Mmk33865545 on Oct 14, 2018

      I used that same idea many years ago on my concrete deck at our river camp, we where tired of the many floods that took the wood decks away & saved a lot of money. Everyone thought we have used real stone. Looked great and hide a lot of foot prints.

      Great idea I must say.

  • Patty Patty on Oct 14, 2018

    water based stain of various colors, I have used dark brown(small amount) beige and orange. the floor looks awesome., gloss over the top makes it very shiny and easy to clean

  • Michelle Leslie Michelle Leslie on Jul 01, 2020

    Hi there, I would suggest power washing the concrete first with an etching concrete cleaner and rinsing well. Once it dried, use a roller extension and paint with a concrete floor paint. This video will show you how to paint your porch after it’s been cleaned