Perfect Size & Height Kitchen ISLAND DIY

Belle Jaeger
by Belle Jaeger
10 Materials
4 Days

Guys I have wanted to make a kitchen island of my very own for a long time. So when we were buying this house, it had the perfect space for the island I'd dreamt about forever. I bought a $25 dresser that I wanted to use because of the perfect amount of storage for baking sheets & all other baking utensils. It had ample drawer space! Then I turned it into a beautiful work space for my kitchen!

The final look of my beautiful custom kitchen island.

$25 old dresser

Removed all the drawers and hardware to get ready to clean and paint.

Ball feet that I purchased to add on the bottom for height & character.

Removed the bottom trim on the dresser for better base support so that I could install the ball feet.

Painted with chalk paint and ready to apply wax.

Had the hubby cut and round off corners on the countertop I wanted.

Found some antique corbels to use on the island overhang.

Perfect height and size.

After the paint and wax seal. (I left off the little door on this cubby so I could put some of my favorite cookbooks.)

Left an overhang on one side (to house garbage can underneath) and another overhang on the back for stools for a breakfast bar!

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Belle Jaeger
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Frequently asked questions
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3 of 14 questions
  • Linda Linda on Oct 15, 2019

    How did you enforce balance with additional length of top to be abl to sit at island & not tip

  • Cardiopro Cardiopro on Sep 20, 2020

    Is the link for the AC filters a mistake?

  • Aso5491584 Aso5491584 on Jan 25, 2023

    How tall was the original dresser? All the ones I can find are only 30" tall

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4 of 179 comments
  • Christine Christine on Jun 08, 2020

    Great job! Love it so much you inspired mine I had to use legs to prevent tipping. Dresser $25, Top found next to a dumpster at a thrift shop $1, legs from a trashed headboard. Loving it! Thanks so much for sharing!

    comment photo
    • Belle Jaeger Belle Jaeger on Jun 08, 2020

      Christine I LOVE IT!! You go girl. I am in awe and what a steal on the dresser? Here's to many gatherings around it and lots of use! Gonna share on my social media. ❤️

  • Belles Banterings Belles Banterings on Jun 09, 2020

    OmGosh!! I've GOT to try to do this! What a great job you two did! I'm in love with it! Thanks for inspiring me!!🙋🏻‍♀️

    • Belle Jaeger Belle Jaeger on Jun 09, 2020

      Absolutely and thank you. Keep me posted if you make your own! I love to see the results!!! 💋
